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Relaxed travel and saving fuel
In a modern car the amount of wiring might add up to several miles. Today, up to 30 electric motors may be built into a vehicle in the luxury class.
The CarTuner will also help you save fuel at the same time. Clients report of between 10 to 20 percent more mileage. Our own test revealed savings that ranged between 15 and 22 percent.
And now it is also of cial: The bene cial effects of the CarTuner have been of cially con rmed. In 2015, the certi ed British enterprise Emissions Analytics Ltd. has of - cially demonstrated and con rmed this claim in a scienti c test. Although the of cial results differ from ours, their tests were made over
a shorter distance travelled than our long distance tests. It is a sensational fact that the CarTuner can reduce emissions. As an example carbon monoxide emissions are reduced by up to 40 percent and nitrogen oxides (NOx) by up to 13 percent.
Please  nd the detailed report on our web site among other test results.
Read report
Electrosmog inside the car is of concern for all passengers, which is steadily increasing year on year. Drivers and passengers complain more often about headaches, nausea and feelings of being beat and exhausted after a long trip.
In a harmonized car you will be free of the negative effects of electrosmog pollution, untouched by electrostatic charges, and able to drive long distances without fatigue.
The Swiss Harmony CarTuner neutralizes the health-impairing effects of car travel for humans and animals. The driver and all passengers of
a harmonized car will feel better again, and especially the driver will stay in optimal condition.

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