Combi package

eKomi - The Feedback Company: Der Ring war schon am übernächsten Tag hier. Super und danke 🤗


The personal basic equipment for on the go reliably harmonizes the body and the cell phone.


Our combination package offers perfect protection for adults and active children with cell phones

The BioPendant is robust and strong and can withstand an active day of play, especially with children. It protects against electrosmog anywhere and, above all, ensures deep sleep if it is not taken off at night. In addition, a harmonization takes place in the organism, which can lead to increased concentration and more balanced behaviour.

The BioPendant can be ordered in 3 variations: inside without engraving, or engraved with hearts or with stars.

The BioPatch ensures reliable interference suppression of the cell phone, whose harmful radiation effects cannot be compensated by the BioPedanten due to its close proximity to the body.
Our products all have the following effect:
– neutralize electrosmog
– help with exhaustion & burnout
– harmonize your body
– strengthen the ability to concentrate
– improve well-being
– increase stamina
– also protect against 5G

  1. Joachim P., Bad Sachsa (DE)

    Yesterday afternoon I installed both BioTuners without any problems. I could already feel the positive effect in the flat in the evening. The air is good and clean, and I feel lighter and more liberated. I had already felt the positive effect of the BioPatch on my smartphone before. The radiation exposure is actually low or even gone. I slept well and can feel the positive change in everything. I can actually taste the fresh air. The purity is really noticeable. Thank you very much!!!

    Joachim P., Bad Sachsa (DE)

  2. Elena A., Hammersbach (D)

    Today I would like to report on the WONDERFUL ART WORK “BioPatch”. Since I have been suffering from electrosmog like a heroine for about 5 years, I didn’t expect much from the BioPatch! I came home today and it was the same as always! Immediately dizzy, severe weakness, feeling faint, tiredness in the eye area, palpitations and all the usual ills…

    I thought to myself that holding the letter unopened in my hand might make a difference. That wasn’t the case for me. But then, when I unwrapped the magical product and held it in my right hand for about 4-5 minutes, almost EVERYTHING WAS GONE!!!! Like BLOWN AWAY!!! The important thing is to stay nearby for a few seconds with the BioPatch in your hand, where there is a wifi nearby and other devices like power cells, water cell etc etc…. It’s TANGIBLE how neutralizing and HARMONIZING everything works with this product!!! I have been running with a copper pipe in my hand for about 3/4 year, as I could hardly cope with the electrosmog pollution. Suddenly I could BREATHE THROUGH, almost FREE of dizziness and other strong electrosmog pollution!!! AND…With the BioPatch in hand, I was able to ditch the copper pipe for the very first time!!!! I have no words of gratitude for this magical development!!! I can recommend this miracle product to everyone with a clear conscience!!!

    We are currently living in an electrosmog cesspool that will make us all ill sooner or later! We need alternatives!!! A “thank you” is far too little for BioPatch development! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Mr. Neubersch, dear Mrs. Fey and all employees of the company. Swiss Harmony for your tun!!!!

    Elena A., Hammersbach (D)

  3. Jürgen B., Schwarzheide (D)

    Dear Mr. Neubersch,

    as a thank you for participating in the survey of the electrosmog research initiative
    you gave me the biopatch. Many thanks for that.
    I’ve been wearing it day and night since April 2017.
    Today I would like to tell you about my experiences with the Biopatch. And because
    I know how important the feedback from those affected is to you, I would also like to
    write a few things about my history as an electrosensitive person.

    I have developed my electrosensitivity (after my own research and with the help of the
    environmental physician Dr. Scheiner) probably during the extended stay in 2007 in the
    close to a directional radio beam while on vacation. Heavy metal contamination with
    Mercury and lead probably made me an easy victim, because
    My wife did not have the severe problems under the same conditions.
    A multi-year odyssey through conventional medicine first brought me to the
    Close to despair. Although I studied electronics and have heard about the negative
    the effects of high-frequency technology (e.g. radar technology), it took a long time.
    until I recognized the problem. I worked in the former GDR until I retired.
    As a development engineer for electronics, I only had to deal with analog technology. After
    After recognizing the problem, the shielding of the rented apartment brought me
    against the neighbors’ cordless phones and now also WLAN. As
    Pensioners, by not visiting polluted environments, I can also
    get along reasonably well.

    I have also tried a few things to harmonize with little to no effect.
    In 2010, I set up a ……(*) in the apartment. The success was rather negative.
    In 2011, I swapped it for the …..(*) for the home and ….(*) for the body. The success was barely noticeable.
    After that, I had the …..(*) plug solution for home harmonization from ……(*) to test for another 6 weeks. Also
    I didn’t have any noticeable relief with that.

    (*): The product names and manufacturers have been removed by the editors.

    The range of harmonization options has now expanded considerably.
    I also observed these and became aware of Swiss Harmony.
    I am very interested in your products and I have already thought about the
    But first my experiences with the Biopatch. After almost 3 months
    I can definitely say that I feel something. I am still wary of strong
    radiation sources, but I feel that the negative effect of the
    radiation on my well-being has decreased. It is clear that I hardly
    have cardiac arrhythmia and high blood pressure attacks. This is very pleasing and
    so thanks again for the gift.

    Jürgen B., Schwarzheide (D)

  4. Irene S. (CH)

    Before the Swiss Harmony BioPatch, I wore a Tesla watch and the Bodyguard S outside. Unfortunately, I noticed that I wasn’t 100% protected from electrosmog and Wi-Fi exposure, for example in the evening on the train when traveling home (everyone is on their smartphone) or in urban areas (Zurich Stettbach tram/train/bus/smartphone users). Now all I need is the Tesla watch and the BioPatch and I’m 100% protected. I don’t yet know what it would be like at the airport, because there’s also the aircraft radio, which is also very strong. I always feel it in the morning when I live in the southern approach lane from around 6am. Then I also need the Bodyguard S for this time. I wouldn’t give up the Swiss Harmony BioPatch for anything. I’ve already ordered another one for my mother, who has been complaining of headaches since she had to use the hearing aid. I’m thinking about getting the service for home use, but that’s a financial problem with early retirement due to illness and the associated EL benefits. But I am overjoyed that Swiss Harmony offers such great products at fair prices. Thank you!
    Kind regards
    Irene S.

    Irene S. (CH)

  5. Jana M., Starnberg

    My experience with the organic patch is good. At first I placed the card at a distance of about 30 cm from my body next to my PC workstation and already felt the beneficial effect. I was immediately able to concentrate better and was calmer and more balanced. I had the feeling that I could feel the vibrations that had been imprinted (I felt harmony, unity, gratitude, abundance). I put the card next to my bed in the evening and was able to sleep better. I continue to do that. When I’m under a lot of strain, I wear the card on my body and immediately notice a difference. I am really grateful for this card!

    Jana M., Starnberg

  6. Vibeke S., Wolfsratshausen (D)

    I already feel a change in all mobile harmonization products.
    The jewelry causes a calmer sleep, which means that I wake up clearer and without a dull/heavy head or even a headache and feel more rested throughout the day. My body reacts with an initial aggravation, as I know it from homeopathy, a kind of detoxification….., which I find very positive. I will report on how I feel afterwards.
    What I find particularly interesting is the change in the water due to the BioPatch…..ince then we and our animals have been drinking, almost drinking 🙂 a lot more water than before!
    All cell phones have of course been fitted with a BioPatch.
    If it continues like this, then….Wow!

    Vibeke S., Wolfsratshausen (D)

  7. Sonja R., Reinach (CH)

    I have had the BioPendant for 2 months and I feel much better!

    Sonja R., Reinach (CH)

  8. Sebastian A., Hildesheim

    I currently still live in a shared flat with Mrs. H. and come
    also enjoy the benefits of harmonization and have already spent a long time
    time the “BioPatch” in my smartphone. In my opinion, the
    Changes are clearly noticeable: improved well-being, significantly
    fewer conflicts. Using the PC is also much more relaxed.

    Sebastian A., Hildesheim

  9. Regine W., Flensburg

    I now wear one of the two organic patches directly on my body when traveling, even at night, and it works wonderfully! I love him!
    Thank you very much!

    Regine W., Flensburg

  10. Regula B., Lucerne

    Since your visit I have been wearing your BioPatch in my right shoe. This is the place that resonates best. And I’ve had a good feeling about it ever since. Thank you!

    Regula B., Lucerne

  11. Ralph D., Schwetzingen

    My wife often had pressure on her “cell phone ear” in the evening, and I also had slight tinitus …
    Now, with the BioPatch on the smartphone, it’s gone.

    My fuel consumption has dropped by 2 liters at a constant 120 km/h with the CarTuner.
    Great products ?

    Ralph D., Schwetzingen

  12. Marie W., Sachseln (CH)

    And it already feels super good, the air in the room. Last night your patch was in my shoe when I was on stage at the concert and I was bursting with energy ?…it’s not a joke, it’s a fact.

    Marie W., Sachseln (CH)

  13. Marilen G., Lienz (A)

    I could already feel the effect of the BioArmband within 10 minutes!!! Please pass on my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Neubersch, Senior, for this wonderful opportunity. He already helped me a lot 4 years ago. We will see next week how the bracelet works on my son in the area of the power lines. So far he has a BioPatch in every shoe, which works quite well. All the love!

    Marilen G., Lienz (A)

  14. Christina G., Zeuthen (D)

    We wear your BioPatch day and night and would like to report on it in the travel blog, because the 24 (!) hour flight went so smoothly and harmoniously for us without any exhaustion and we don’t know that at all!!!!

    Christina G., Zeuthen (D)

  15. Cornelia B., Bern

    The first night with the Biopatch and I can already feel a difference! The noise in my body is reduced and I woke up far less nervous. Needless to say, I’m pretty happy. I am positive and excited about further developments.

    Cornelia B., Bern

  16. Christian M., Friedrichsdorf (D)

    I have just received your newsletter, and it is gratifying to see the new interviews and research.

    It is a nice opportunity to thank you personally for your visit about 18 months ago and the installation of the air conditioning tuner under our electrical distribution board and a BioPatch on the iPhone. I have also been wearing the Bioring day and night for 1 year.

    My health and sleep have improved significantly since the harmonization of my home. I also seem to have become less sensitive to radiation. Holding the microwave to your ear is still unpleasant, but it no longer tingles in your hand with the BioRing. With headphones (on the cable!) and on loudspeaker I can make phone calls again, I don’t do it privately, but for work it is sometimes essential.

    Thank you very much for your excellent products! They make life with the microwave madness a little more bearable again. If I could vote, I would have WLAN & cell phones banned… but at least this way I can sleep and work again.

    Christian M., Friedrichsdorf (D)

  17. Christiane B., Rötha (D)

    I am very satisfied with the Bio Patch. When I put the card in a glass of tap water and drink the water, it tastes much softer. (We have very calcareous water) I carry the card with me all day. She really is a multi-talent. A great invention. I’m looking forward to more products and innovations from Swiss Harmonie. I will definitely recommend their products to others. Thank you very much.

    Christiane B., Rötha (D)

  18. Bernd M., Aachen

    I have been using the BioPatch for a short time now and would like to share my experiences with you.
    It seems to have a much stronger effect than the BodyCard, but weaker than the BioRing; at least that’s how I personally feel.
    I’m currently using it in my smartphone and it gives me a good feeling when I’m working and talking on my smartphone.

    Bernd M., Aachen

  19. Bettina S., Reinach (CH)

    Thank you very much for the BioPatch, which I placed under the sheet in bed at heart level. I am already noticing at the beginning that my dreams appear clear and colorful again, and I can remember them. I’ve really missed that in recent years.

    Bettina S., Reinach (CH)

  20. Anne H., Bad Dürrnberg (A)

    As promised, I would like to give a short feedback on the BioPatch that I have been wearing for 3 weeks and received as a result of my participation in the survey.
    It is a great relief for me that your company is involved in research into radiosensitivity, as I am extremely affected by it myself.
    Since I have been wearing the BioPatch, I feel that I can cope better with various critical situations. I usually have very strong physical symptoms around Wi-Fi and smartphones, including hot flushes in my head. The worst thing is when I notice how my ability to concentrate collapses and my brain becomes like a Swiss cheese: Hole with a frame. So I’ve been feeling much better since the beginning of January.
    However, I would say that the stress in my home environment has also decreased and I am still very rarely around people and do not have a job.
    Thank you very much for the comprehensive and well-informed Swiss Harmony website. Information – being informed – knowing your way around – being able to react are the prerequisites for an independent life even under extreme stress and illness.
    I wish you and all of us great success in spreading this truth and in working to wake people up so that we can all experience a change in radiation policy and the mobile phone industry!

    Anne H., Bad Dürrnberg (A)

  21. Benjamin W., Grafenberg (D)

    I have now bought a bio patch from you, which was also delivered very quickly. I have to say that I am very enthusiastic. Today is the third day. When I unpacked it, I immediately felt the harmonious effect it produced on my body. It was such a pleasant feeling and I realized that my body was starting to work. Since then I feel much fitter, more harmonious and more balanced. I have more energy. The product was a hit for me. I almost forgot something else. When I wake up in the morning I no longer feel so exhausted and lacking in energy. On the contrary, I feel really good and well rested for the start of the day. Another thing I’m excited about is that I don’t feel like the bio patch is manipulating me in any way. I feel really comfortable with him.
    What I find a bit of a shame is that there are no special products for animals.

    Benjamin W., Grafenberg (D)

  22. Anna E., Aichach (D)

    I now wear the Bio Patch day and night and have to say that my continuous back pain is a lot better or sometimes even almost gone. I can stand up better and my mind is much clearer and more alert.

    Anna E., Aichach (D)

  23. Beate G., St. Veit (A)

    Thank you so much for the price reduction before Christmas – we were the first to equip our daughter with the products and her health has improved significantly! Now it’s the adults’ turn to come home from work less exhausted. We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best!

    Beate G., St. Veit (A)

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