Who is Sonja?
Who is Sonja? She is the main character in our macabre short crime story. Read for yourself what she did without ever being held accountable. The cover image is pure deception, as she was never registered by the police, even though she committed a capital crime. Find out why that was the case and what our short crime story is trying to illustrate. Introduction: The Invisible Danger: How Electrosmog Affects Our BodyElectromagnetic fields (EMF) are an invisible threat increasingly permeating our daily lives. These fields disrupt the natural cellular communication in our bodies because they do not originate from nature and are foreign to our organisms. Unlike an obvious poisoning, they leave no visible traces, making it almost impossible to recognize them as the cause of intercellular malfunctions.
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Who is Sonja?
Who is Sonja? She is the main character in our macabre short crime story. Read for yourself what she did without ever being held accountable. The cover image is pure deception, as she was never registered by the police, even though she committed a capital crime. Find out why that was the case and what our short crime story is trying to illustrate. Introduction: The Invisible Danger: How Electrosmog Affects Our BodyElectromagnetic fields (EMF) are an invisible threat increasingly permeating our daily lives. These fields disrupt the natural cellular communication in our bodies because they do not originate from nature and are foreign to our organisms. Unlike an obvious poisoning, they leave no visible traces, making it almost impossible to recognize them as the cause of intercellular malfunctions.
Resistance to electrosmog
The fear of electrosmog is no longer just the problem of a radiation-sensitive minority. People are increasingly resisting public Wi-Fi, power lines and other facilities that pose a risk to their health.
New discussion called for on radiation limits
The setting of limits for mobile phone radiation is increasingly coming under scientific and political scrutiny. A workshop in the European Parliament provided an insight into the effects of radiation exposure on people and the environment.
5G and WLAN: worrying signals
Resistance to 5G and the digitalization of schools and nurseries is growing. New studies reveal disturbing findings about the causes of mobile phone radiation. The movie "TOTAL TRUST" is also more than disturbing.
Thanks to cell phones: dead pants instead of fertility
Epidemiological study with soldiers confirms the results of laboratory and animal studies: soldiers who used their cell phone more than 20 times a day had a significantly lower sperm concentration on average than soldiers who used their cell phone less than once a week. This is the result of the largest epidemiological study conducted in Switzerland to date.
Mobile radio and its effects on children
There are only a few studies that have explicitly looked at the increased risk of cancer from nearby mobile phone masts. However, more recent studies on this topic are now emerging, and the results are more than worrying.