
Between radiation hazard and addictive potential

Our approach to mobile technology could not be more contradictory. Zurich schools are being warned, while Bern is investing heavily. A study from Bonn shows what consequences smartphone addiction can have.

The canton of Zurich wants to inform its pupils about cell phone radiation, as reported by the newspaper “20 Minuten”. In future, the topic of mobile telephony will be covered in secondary schools – with two key messages: Pupils should not hold their cell phones to their heads when making calls, and they should learn that the better the coverage, the lower the radiation exposure. The statement by SVP National Councillor Yvette Estermann is interesting: it is important that attention is also drawn to radiation exposure from various electronic devices. It would also be desirable if the needs of electrosensitive people were also addressed, says Estermann. A radiation-free zone, for example, as called for in a motion, is important for them. Hans-Ulrich Jakob, President of IG Gigaherz, which is critical of mobile radio, does not believe in the information offensive. “This is tantamount to abuse of office,” he told “20 Minuten”. The idea that a cell phone, which may be on your ear for 15 minutes a day, is more dangerous than antennas that are constantly on is “the wrong tune”. “The authorities should not protect us from the risks, but from the radiation,” says Hans-Ulrich Jakob.

Some invest, others prohibit or warn
In Zurich, the authorities are warning pupils about the dangers of cell phones and the like, while in the city of Berne, the city council is requesting a loan of 2.1 million to equip all 88 schools in Berne with WLAN. This amounts to CHF 23,863 per school. of all things. By comparison, the French government under President Macron has decided to completely ban cell phones in French schools from 2018. Opinions are still divided on whether cell phones are carcinogenic or not. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Report in Computerwoche The WHO did not give a definitive all-clear, considering the electromagnetic waves from cell phones to be “possibly carcinogenic” – the WHO issued neither a warning nor an all-clear in 2011. As Jonathan Samet from the Colorado School of Public Health explained to “The Verge“, he does not see a public health crisis. But he, who headed the WHO expert group at the time, does not want to trivialize anything. Too little is still known about the biological effects of the omnipresent mobile radio waves(Macwelt).

Dramatic consequences for private life
However, the physical level of cell phones is only one level: smartphones make you dependent, unproductive and unhappy. That is the conclusion of Alexander Markowetz, researcher at the University of Bonn. The junior professor of computer science used an app to analyze the cell phone usage of 60,000 people. In his book “Digitaler Burnout”, published by Droemer Knaur, the researcher explains the connections and describes the dramatic consequences for our private lives and the world of work. Around 300,000 people have now downloaded the “Menthal” app, which was developed last year by computer scientists and psychologists at the University of Bonn for research purposes. The app records smartphone usage and transmits the data anonymously to the researchers’ servers.

53 times a day
The 60,000 data records analyzed at the University of Bonn paint a frightening picture: On average, owners activated their cell phones 53 times a day. They interrupt their current activity every 18 minutes. “Smartphone apps work like gambling machines. We use them again and again to get a little kick,” says Alexander Markowetz, author of the book “Digital Burnout”. Young people in particular are extremely fixated on their cell phones. The 17 to 25-year-old participants in the study used their smartphones even more frequently – for a total of three hours. And this despite the fact that much of their time is already taken up by school or training. The first pioneers from the USA are showing a way out. It is precisely the digital elites who are now beginning to impose digital diets on themselves. “Constant smartphone use is a subconscious reflex,” says Alexander Markowetz. You can get rid of automatisms by using specific techniques. For example, by declaring the bedroom a cell phone-free zone or making it a rule to only use the smartphone on an uncomfortable kitchen stool. “We urgently need a social debate and an interdisciplinary exchange in science in order to understand what digitalization is doing to our psyches,” emphasizes the researcher from Bonn.

“Cold turkey” for a foreign exchange specialist
A London-based foreign exchange specialist, who described himself as a smartphone addict, had to spend the vacations without his smartphone because it gave up the ghost. Cold turkey for him, as you can read on But now he feels liberated – and has tips for the “smartphone detox”. Banker Bilal Hafeez recently took the plunge in his blog . After the “cold turkey”, a new freedom has taken over. Bilal Hafeez showed his cell phone the master. “I pay attention to it when I want to – and not when it wants to,” blogs the investment banker. And the banker is obviously so proud of this that he wants to share his “smartphone detox” tips with everyone.

Priest blesses smartphones
A priest in Sicily has also long recognized the downsides of cell phone communication. According to a report in the Aargauer Zeitung newspaper on December 11, 2017, he called on the faithful to bring their smartphones to church on St. Lucy’s Day so that he could bless them. The aim is to promote the “positive use” of electronic devices, said the 30-year-old priest Alessandro Palermo in the church of San Matteo in the Sicilian city of Marsala. “Only a few people understand the dangers of cell phones. Our society is addicted to smartphones,” emphasized the pastor. St. Lucia should encourage positive and appropriate use of smartphones. Amen.

Generate a harmonic oscillation field

How can you protect yourself from high-frequency radiation and electrosmog? “The law of resonance states that no resonances can occur in an oscillation field with oscillations whose frequencies lie outside those of the field,” says Richard Neubersch, owner of Swiss Harmony in Grellingen, a company that specializes in the harmonization of electrosmog. In other words: In a harmonic oscillation field, artificial radiation has no effect, regardless of who generates it, whether it comes from a neighbor or a nearby mobile phone mast. The mobile products from Swiss Harmony (BioRing, BodyCard, BioBracelet and the BioPatch) harmonize the human body by transmitting the harmonic vibration as information to the human energy system. This means that artificially created radiation fields can no longer resonate.

Protection from harmful radiation

In concrete terms, this means Products from Swiss Harmony for harmonizing houses and apartments ensure that the electricity that supplies a building with electricity receives a different message. “They transfer the information of the visible light spectrum to the passing current via the resonance path, which in turn distributes it throughout the entire effective range of the circuit,” explains Richard Neubersch. The electromagnetic field of the apartment or house thus becomes a harmonious field. In-house WLAN transmitters, cell phones or cordless phones are interference-free because they are connected to the harmonic current field and therefore emit the same harmonic information.

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