When a girl’s smoking handbag filled the cabin with smoke, the passengers were sent off the plane shortly after boarding. It was discovered that the fire originated from an iPhone 5.

The father of the phone’s owner, Yarden Leviovej, told Nova TV: “When my daughter opened her bag, we saw flames and a flash of heat.

Once the source of the flames and smoke had been found and removed from the cabin, the passengers were able to board again. But Yarden, who was traveling with her family, had to fly off without her burnt smartphone.

In July, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) produced a series of videos on the dangers and risks associated with the transportation of lithium batteries. These batteries serve as power sources for most electronic devices that travelers normally carry with them.

The videos are intended for airlines, airport staff, freight carriers, check-in and cabin staff. They explain the increased danger posed by lithium batteries in passenger and cargo aircraft. The CAA explains: “Although lithium batteries are very safe, they can be a fire hazard if damaged. They must therefore be handled with care and stowed appropriately during a flight.”

The use of smartphones and tablets on board is currently increasing, as more and more airlines are also offering Wi-Fi as part of their in-flight entertainment.

It is the Civil Aviation Authority that sets the worldwide guidelines for dangerous objects. In their public literature, lithium batteries are a current cause for concern.

Current regulations allow passengers to carry cell phones, laptops, tablets and cameras in both hand and checked baggage. However, new safety precautions require that these devices must always be fully charged and that the correct functioning of the devices may be checked on request before take-off.

Source: http://mieuxprevenir.blogspot.ch/2014/08/iphone-5-catches-fire-and-forces.html#more

Original article on: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2729656/Could-smartphones-banned-flights-iPhone-5-catches-fire-plane-Tel-Aviv-poses-big-question-airlines.html#ixzz3B3hfAnZY