
More wi-fi at Zurich schools

As the Basler Zeitung recently reported, there are plans for a massive expansion of wi-fi stations in Zurich classrooms. By 2017, the number of wi-fi transmitters at schools is to double so that all schools have access to wireless internet. The city of Zurich has approved around CHF 5 million for this project!
The planned access points are to be in continuous operation, i.e. they cannot be switched off when not in use.

This upgrade has met with criticism, as the harmlessness of wireless radiation has not yet been proven. We already published a report from Canada here on December 25, 2014, which describes, among other things, that high-frequency radiation (e.g. from Wi-Fi) damages the genetic structure of the ovaries in young girls. (Quote from Barrie Trower)

Various doctors and politicians criticize the City of Zurich’s plan. Yvonne Gilli, doctor and National Councillor from Wil SG, is one of them. She reports from people who tell her about their intolerance to Wi-Fi. The most frequently mentioned symptoms are headaches, concentration problems or tiredness. However, it is precisely these complaints that would be a major obstacle to learning for children in everyday school life!

Radiation experts and electrical engineers who have been studying the effects of high-frequency radiation for decades also strongly advise that radio networks should only be switched on when necessary. Harmful effects even below the legal limits cannot be ruled out; Walter Sachs considers the non-thermal effects in particular to be critical. He is an electrical engineer and advocates using wireless networks responsibly and only switching them on when needed.

In its guidelines on the use of WLAN, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) states that the long-term effects are “insufficiently researched” and recommends switching off the transmitters when not in use.

The Zurich education authority does not respond to this advice and considers it counterproductive to switch off the transmitters from time to time. However, the FOPH’s safety instructions were complied with.

Although there are more and more critical public voices of dissent, the upgrading of schools with wireless technologies is continuing apace. In our everyday lives, electromagnetic fields are part of the daily environmental pollution that is almost impossible to avoid.

We would like to encourage you to protect yourself and your family. Find out about the technical facilities at the local schools.

Suggest to the school management to have the school harmonized free of charge! Swiss Harmony has been offering this for 5 years. You can read more about this in this blog post.


One effective way of avoiding exposure to wifi radiation is our Bodycard, which can be worn inconspicuously on the body. Their effect has now also been confirmed using Kirlian photography. Interesting details in our article from March 8, 2015.

Find out about personal protection when traveling, at school/study, at trade fairs, etc. h ttps://



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