The Berner Zeitung of June 19, 2014 reports on the exploding costs of cancer treatment, citing the following figures:

Between 1990 and 2000, the number of new cancer cases in Switzerland rose from 27,000 to around 33,000 per year. Over the next 10 years up to 2010, the annual number of new cases rose further to 37,000.

It is interesting to compare this with the number of digital mobile phone masts that existed in Switzerland during this period: In 1990 there were virtually no transmission masts, whereas in 2000 there were already 8,500 mobile phone transmitters emitting electromagnetic waves. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of mobile radio transmitters almost doubled to around 16,800.

This means that in the first 20 years since the introduction of digital mobile communications, the annual number of new cancer cases has increased by around 35%!



Article Berner-Zeitung:–hohes–Kostenwachstum-/story/30832627