
Smart revolution with unforeseen consequences

Many people are not aware of what digital development means for our society. The health consequences of electromagnetic radiation are one thing, the influence of cell phones, the Internet and the like on the privacy of each individual is another.

In a recent article, Prof. Lennart Hardell’s working group interprets the results of the largest study to date on non-ionizing radiation and cancer, funded by the US government to the tune of 25 million dollars. The overall result was published this month (see also report on Mobile phone radiation can lead to tumors. The radiation triggered two types of cancer (schwannoma, glioma) and precancerous cell changes (hyperplasia of glial cells) in an additional number of rats. Hardell/Carlberg/Hedendahl place the result in the context of the overall research situation and come to the clear conclusion that the carcinogenicity of non-ionizing radiation must be regarded as proven. Hardell was a member of the WHO’s IARC Commission, which assesses carcinogenicity. The article calls for the WHO to classify mobile phone radiation as carcinogenic in category 1, so far it is in 2B, possibly carcinogenic.

Smart digital dictatorship

But there are other dimensions to digital technology that many people are not even aware of given the fascination with the countless possibilities of these devices. One thing is clear: if you want to be part of it, you use a smartphone, tablet or smart watch, google and network on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or WhatsApp. But who knows their terms and conditions or protects their data? Hardly anyone. This could have fatal consequences! We are on the way to a smart digital dictatorship – a society without privacy and without democracy. The new issue of the journal ÖkologiePolitik focuses on BigData. It includes an article by Peter Hensinger, member of the board of diagnose:funk, on the extent of and plans for surveillance of the population by digital media. “The transparent consumer, created by big data, is a prerequisite for fueling consumption-oriented growth,” writes Peter Hensinger.

Abolition of privacy

The “smart home”, the fully networked home, is now being created as an electronic panopticon for this conditioning towards consumption. “With interactive home speakers, Google (Google Home) and Amazon (Echo Dot) want to take over full-time interactive care in the smart home,” Peter Hensinger is convinced, but goes even further: “The de-democratization and abolition of privacy are creeping in, partly because digitalization is being marketed with illusions of limitless information and a new democracy. People are falling into the freedom trap because the repression is not open.” The dictatorship is smart and effective. In contrast to previous dictatorships, says sociologist Harald Welzer, digitalization creates “a much more inconspicuous and at the same time more effective means of power, namely the control of the back channel, i.e. all reactions to the offers and developments of the smart dictatorship. Such rule can control what the ruled believe themselves to be and want to be. This is the most innovative transition zone into totalitarianism. We have never seen that before.”

There is no alternative to a digitally dominated childhood

In many families, children grow up with smartphones, tablets and computers. With their book “Heute mal bildschirmfrei”, Paula Bleckmann and Ingo Leipner want to appeal to teachers, parents and educators so that they (re)understand the existential importance of analog life for children – in the digital onslaught of smartphones and the like. In 14 out of 15 chapters, the journalist and media educator describe what can go wrong in everyday digital life with children: WhatsApp at night prevents teenagers from sleeping; the AADDA syndrome is already spreading among the little ones: “Alle Anderen Dürfen Das Aber”. “Star Wars” triggers nightmares at the wrong age, a porn link is sent to the class as a “test of courage”, children fall victim to sophisticated TV marketing that is no longer recognizable as advertising. The authors also claim to have formulated an “alternative program for a relaxed family life”. That’s what it says on the cover of the book. Will the authors succeed in fulfilling this claim? More information about the book at

Generate a harmonic oscillation field

How can you protect yourself from high-frequency radiation and electrosmog? “The law of resonance states that no resonances can occur in an oscillation field with oscillations whose frequencies lie outside those of the field,” says Richard Neubersch, owner of Swiss Harmony in Grellingen, a company that specializes in the harmonization of electrosmog. In other words: In a harmonic oscillation field, artificial radiation has no effect, regardless of who generates it, whether it comes from a neighbor or a nearby mobile phone mast. The mobile products from Swiss Harmony (BioRing, BodyCard, BioBracelet and the BioPatch) harmonize the human body by transmitting the harmonic vibration as information to the human energy system. This means that artificially created radiation fields can no longer resonate.

Protection from harmful radiation

In concrete terms, this means Products from Swiss Harmony for harmonizing houses and apartments ensure that the electricity that supplies a building with electricity receives a different message. “They transfer the information of the visible light spectrum to the passing current via the resonance path, which in turn distributes it throughout the entire effective range of the circuit,” explains Richard Neubersch. The electromagnetic field of the apartment or house thus becomes a harmonious field. In-house WLAN transmitters, cell phones or cordless phones are interference-free because they are connected to the harmonic current field and therefore emit the same harmonic information.

Balthasar Hüsler lives in harmony

He is the father of “Hüsler Nest”, the well-known Swiss company known for its organic beds made of pure wood. Throughout his life, he has optimized his products with a view to good sleep for his customers. However, in recent years he himself has suffered from severe sleep disorders and has made great efforts to eliminate disruptive influences, including electrosmog. His sleep has only improved significantly since November 1, 2017 with the installation of Swiss Harmony. He talks about his experiences in the first half of the latest TimeToDo program.

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If you also feel stressed by the radiation, then it is time for

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