
WLAN radiation: a danger for people and the environment

Various studies warn of the dangers of WLAN radiation, especially for children and young people. Nevertheless, the introduction of WLAN in schools is planned. The authorities are hiding behind limit values and an “insufficient research situation”.

The new Curriculum 21 aims to teach children how to use new media technologies as early as kindergarten and elementary school. In addition to computers and notebooks, small mobile devices that are connected to the Internet via WLAN will also be used. As reported by the Basler Zeitung and 20 Minuten, for example, these plans have met with criticism from the Interessengemeinschaft (IG) Lebensgrundlagen and the Schweizerische Interessensgemeinschaft Elektrosmog-Betroffeneer. They warn of the health risks of radiation exposure from WLAN and cell phones. A few years ago, an attempt was made to introduce WLAN across the board in English schools. However, it soon became apparent that the pupils’ learning and well-being were impaired. Aggressiveness and lack of concentration were the result! The project was stopped – just like in Austria, where similar experiences were made with WLAN in schools.

Free harmonizations

To counteract WLAN radiation exposure in schools, Richard Neubersch from “Swiss Harmony” in Grellingen offers free harmonization services for schools suffering from radiation exposure. Unfortunately, many teachers are still not sufficiently aware of the dangers of WLAN radiation in schools, according to Richard Neubersch: “Satisfied customers of ours who work as teachers wanted to implement harmonization in their schools. Unfortunately, in most cases these measures failed within their own teaching staff. Our customers were laughed at because their colleagues didn’t believe in the harmfulness of electrosmog.” The least a school can do is to harmonize all the WLAN routers in the building in order to minimize the children’s health risks, says Richard Neubersch. He proposes the “BioPatch” as the method of choice in connection with smartphones in trouser pockets.

Motor and memory disorders

There is no shortage of investigations and studies on the consequences of electromagnetic radiation. The magazine Ökotest(, for example, carried out measurements in its 10/2003 issue to record the effects of WLAN radiation. Result: At a distance of just one meter from WLAN reception points, values were found at which studies have shown motor and memory disorders in children. According to the study, even at a distance of up to 15 meters there are often still field strengths that are many times higher according to official building biology criteria for workplaces or permanent residences. The University of Bremen, for example, also carried out meaningful measurements to determine WLAN radiation on its campus, where a dense network of WLAN reception points was set up. The measurement results showed strong fluctuations: the reception points ranged from 0.5 to 2,504 µWatt/m2. On a notebook at a distance of 1.50 meters, the measured value was 1,580 µWatt/m2, and at a distance of 0.10 meters, the value was an alarming 49,960 µWatt/m2.

Irradiation of the reproductive organs

WLAN is increasingly becoming the most widely used communication frequency; free access (HotSpots) is offered everywhere. The smartphone transmits and receives almost constantly through active apps, usually via WLAN. If you carry your smartphone close to your body, in your trouser or jacket pocket, studies have shown that the reproductive organs in particular are constantly exposed to radiation. Research based on six recent studies (Cammaerts 2014, Dasdag 2015, Megha 2015, Saili 2015, Sangun 2015, So-ran 2014, Dasdag et al.) by the environmental and consumer organization for protection against electromagnetic radiation “Diagnose Funk” has shown that the WLAN frequency of 2450 MHz causes the strongest harmful effects. The percentage of defects in the sperm heads apparently increased significantly in the irradiated group, the weight of the epididymis and the vesicular gland was significantly lower, the diameter of the seminiferous tubules and the thickness of the tunica albuginea had decreased significantly and highly significantly, respectively, in the irradiated animals. The effects of 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz on the brain were also investigated. The maximum damage was reached in WLAN: oxidative cell stress, reduction of the body’s own antioxidants, inflammatory reactions, and DNA damage as a result of oxidative stress. In a long-term experiment, researchers found that developmental delays occur in the postnatal phase if the embryo is irradiated.

Damage to animals and plants

The industry likes to claim that all pathological reactions are due to nocebo effects. However, this thesis cannot be applied to animals and plants. Irradiated ants were found to have movement disorders. In another research project, field beans were irradiated with 915 MHz. Damage to the DNA was the result. In maize seedlings, irradiation led to growth inhibition, leaf changes and effects on the mitochondria; these are special cell organelles with double membranes.

“WLAN radiation: still insufficiently researched”

Regarding the dangers of WLAN radiation, the authorities (Federal Office of Public Health FOPH) state: “According to current knowledge and based on existing exposure measurements, the high-frequency radiation generated by wireless networks is too weak to trigger detectable, acute health effects through absorption via an increase in temperature. Long-term and non-thermal effects have not yet been sufficiently researched. From the existing studies on the effects of high-frequency EMF in the low-dose range, below the applicable limit values, no health risk from wireless networks can be derived at the moment. Individual WLAN devices such as WLAN-enabled laptops, cell phones and PDAs can cause prolonged exposure to radiation when used close to the body. According to the FOPH, there are currently uncertainties about the health effects of such devices operated close to the body; in connection with cell phone radiation, they are being comprehensively investigated in international research efforts.

Link tips:

Swiss Harmony: Protection against harmful radiation

“Swiss Harmony” products for harmonizing houses and apartments ensure that the electricity that supplies a building with electricity receives a different message. They transmit the information of the visible light spectrum to the passing current via the resonance path, which in turn distributes it throughout the entire effective range of the circuit. The electromagnetic field of the apartment or house becomes a harmonious field. Home Wi-Fi transmitters or cordless telephones are interference-free because they are connected to the harmonic current field and therefore emit the same harmonic information.

Generate a harmonic oscillation field
The law of resonance states that no resonances can occur in an oscillating field with oscillations whose frequencies lie outside those of the field. In other words: In a harmonic oscillation field, artificial radiation has no effect, regardless of who generates it, whether it comes from a neighbor or a nearby mobile phone mast. The mobile products from Swiss Harmony (BioRing, BodyCard, BioBracelet and the BioPatch) harmonize the human body by transmitting the harmonic vibration as information to the human energy system. This means that artificially created radiation fields can no longer resonate.

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