
The desire to have children in a field of tension

The desire to have children does not come true for all couples. Some wait years for a child – often in vain. There are many reasons for this. The influence of electrosmog also plays a role in male fertility. A field test by Swiss Harmony gets to the bottom of this question.

Some couples try for years to have a child. Around four percent of the population are waiting in vain for a child of their own. If a couple has to wait a long time to have a child or is unable to conceive a child at all, there may be several reasons for this. First of all: the cause does not always lie with the woman. In around 30 percent of all cases, the causes of infertility are to be found in the man. And in around 20 percent of couples without children, the cause lies with both partners. But why are some couples unable to have children?

From hormonal disorders to sperm quality
What are the reasons for this? According to specialists, in many cases a hormonal disorder is to blame for childlessness. However, genetic defects, leaking fallopian tubes, endometriosis and ovulation problems can also play a role in the failure to conceive. Men, on the other hand, often have problems with their sperm. Sometimes there are too few spermatozoa or the existing ones are only slightly mobile. Certain diseases (such as mumps) can impair the quality of sperm. For both partners, the older they are, the longer it can take to conceive a child. Heavy smokers and people with drug problems will also have to wait longer to have children or even go without.

Significant decrease in sperm count
In addition to possible causes on the physical level, it is often forgotten that electrosmog, caused for example by mobile phone radiation and WiFi, can also affect fertility. This has now been confirmed by a study from the University of Haifa: electromagnetic radiation from cell phones can damage male fertility. In the diagnose:funk focus “Smartphones & tablets damage testicles, sperm and embryos“, the explosive study situation was documented for the public for the first time: Martha Dirnfeld, professor at the Medical Center of the Technical University in Haifa, summarizes the results of the study as follows: “We found three cell phone usage habits that led to a significant decrease in sperm count in men. These are men who use or charge the phone close to the body or carry it near the testicles. Their sperm count was significantly lower.” The scientist warns against talking on a cell phone for more than an hour a day. It is also harmful to use the cell phone when it is being charged. According to the results of the Israeli scientists’ study, these habits can reduce sperm concentration. At least the probability of this happening is increasing.

Less than 50 centimeters from the crotch
The physical proximity of the cell phone proved to be particularly dangerous. The study apparently found a drop in sperm concentration as soon as the cell phone is carried less than 50 centimeters away from the crotch. According to a report on, 47 percent of men with this habit were found to have an “abnormal concentration” of sperm. The study examined the cell phone usage habits of 106 men. Another fact is that sperm quality is continuously declining in Western societies. In 40 percent of couples who suffer from infertility, the quality of the male sperm is the cause. The study by the Israeli scientists allows only one conclusion to be drawn: the time of uncertainty and conjecture is a thing of the past. The connection is proven. Professor Sigal Sedetzky , a cancer and radiation researcher at Tel Hashomer Hospital near Tel Aviv, recommends the inevitable consequence: “It is quite clear that we must exercise foresighted caution in everything that has to do with cell phones. In other words, you should keep the phone away from your body and try to minimize radiation in this way.”

Happy children in a harmonized environment?
How does a house or apartment harmonized against electrosmog affect a couple’s desire to have children? Does a harmonized energetic environment increase the chances that the desire to have children will be fulfilled after all? A field test will get to the bottom of this question. Richard Neubersch, initiator of the “Electrosmog Research Initiative” project and owner of the company Swiss Harmony in Grellingen (CH), which specializes in harmonizing electrosmog pollution, is looking for ten couples who want to have children. The couples are harmonized against electrosmog by Swiss Harmony for one year. If a pregnancy occurs within a year, the harmonization would be offset. If pregnancy does not occur, the material can be returned.

“Change in all conceivable areas”
“Harmonization does not only have an effect on electrosmog. This is actually just a side effect,” explains Richard Neubersch.
In fact, harmonization brings about a change in all conceivable areas – from entropy to order. “Families with pubescent children notice that the children become more sociable. The air in the room becomes much more pleasant.” Similar “organizing” processes apparently also take place in the human organism when it moves in harmonious fields. “We have already observed that various customers have become pregnant when they had already given up hope,” says Richard Neubersch.
Swiss Harmony

How can you protect yourself from high-frequency radiation and electrosmog? “The law of resonance states that no resonances can occur in an oscillating field with oscillations whose frequencies lie outside those of the field,” says Richard Neubersch. In other words: In a harmonic oscillation field, artificial radiation has no effect, regardless of who generates it, whether it comes from a neighbor or a nearby mobile phone mast. The mobile products from Swiss Harmony (BioRing, BodyCard, BioBracelet and the BioPatch) harmonize the human body by transmitting the harmonic vibration as information to the human energy system. This means that artificially created radiation fields can no longer resonate.
Protection from harmful radiationIn concrete terms, this means that Products from Swiss Harmony for harmonizing houses and apartments ensure that the electricity that supplies a building with electricity receives a different message. “They transfer the information of the visible light spectrum to the passing current via the resonance path, which in turn distributes it throughout the entire effective range of the circuit,” explains Richard Neubersch. The electromagnetic field of the apartment or house thus becomes a harmonious field. In-house WLAN transmitters, cell phones or cordless phones are interference-free because they are connected to the harmonic current field and therefore emit the same harmonic information.

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