Michael F. (24) from French-speaking Switzerland suffered from insomnia for a long time because there is a mobile phone mast just 190 m away from him that radiates unhindered into his bedroom.


At a lecture at the Paracelsus Clinic al Ronc (Castaneda/GR), he learned about the Swiss Harmony harmonization process and decided in November 2012 to have his parental home harmonized. In an interview with Norbert Brakenwagen on the TimeToDo program on Switzerland 5, he talks about the experiences he and his family have had with Swiss Harmony.

Not only he, but also his mother and sister can sleep better since the house has been harmonized.

Here you can see it in excerpts from the TimeToDo broadcast on November 19, 2013.

You can find the complete broadcast from 19.11.2013 (approx. 50 min) on this page