Reports that serve to enlighten the reader.
Reports that serve to enlighten the reader.
Current reports and studies on mobile phone radiation show once again how explosive this topic is in today's society. The need for education and independent information seems great.
When it comes to the risks of 5G mobile technology, opinions are divided - many "opinions", of course. Here the media and authorities gloss over the potential dangers, while there scientists and Nobel Prize winners issue urgent warnings.
Interested or critical citizens are often bombarded with similar text modules from the authorities and industry when they have questions about 5G and mobile phone radiation. Now, there are strong arguments against many of these claims. A majority of the Swiss population wants a referendum on 5G. A petition was submitted in Bern on September 18.
In a week's time, Swiss voters will elect a new parliament. In order to alleviate the agony of choice somewhat, various institutions have scrutinized the parties and politicians with regard to their attitude towards mobile communications.
Thousands protested in Bern and Berlin against the installation of further 5G antennas. Doctors warn of health and environmental risks from electromagnetic radiation.
Two documentaries take a look behind the scenes of the mobile phone industry's machinations and explain the dangers of mobile phone radiation for our health. In many places, these warnings are having an effect. In Switzerland, over 20,000 people have lodged objections to 5G antennas since June of this year. And the trend is rising.
Are the public's fears about mobile phone radiation and 5G being taken seriously? A motion from the Swiss National Council and statements from representatives of the federal offices paint a different picture.
Much is being discussed and written about exposure to mobile phone radiation and its consequences for people and the environment. Untruths, fairy tales and lies are served up to the population. The reports of cell phone addicts or radiation addicts who can no longer lead a normal life are not fairy tales.
More and more critical voices, including from the world of politics, are speaking out about the introduction of the 5G mobile communications standard. An opinion poll in Switzerland shows that the proportion of people who rate 5G as negative has doubled within a year.
Artificial intelligence can recognize and anticipate our feelings and moods better and better. Will looking at our smartphones soon replace the process of self-reflection? How well are we still connected to ourselves? And do we recognize the consequences of our actions in time?