
Resistance to electrosmog

The fear of electrosmog is no longer just the problem of a radiation-sensitive minority. People are increasingly resisting public Wi-Fi, power lines and other facilities that pose a risk to their health.

Petition against WLAN in Wolfratshausen (DE)

WLAN has recently become freely available in the small Upper Bavarian town of Wolfratshausen. There is now resistance to this from the “Wolfratshausen citizens’ initiative for protection against electrosmog”, as can be read on More than 40 signatories feel that their well-being and health are severely affected by the radiation from the recently installed WLAN. Some apparently report sleep disorders and headaches. In the meantime, the citizens of Wolfratshausen have written to the German Bundestag demanding information about the health risks of the technology, a review of the effects of radio technology with the help of “industry-independent” science and an end to the “widespread exposure of the entire population to microwaves”.

Underground cabling instead of electricity pylons

Fears of electrosmog are also fueled, for example, by the electricity pylons that are supposed to distribute the electricity from the wind turbines in Schleswig Holstein. According to a report on, the majority of people are afraid of the consequences of electrosmog.

According to a report on, the starting point for the proposed route for the electricity transport is near the Elbe in Wilster in Schleswig Holstein, then it swings into Lower Saxony near Stade. It runs for almost 300 kilometers through eleven districts, passing more than 20 citizens’ initiatives. The latter are against steel pylons carrying huge amounts of electrical energy past their villages, towns and communities. The citizens’ initiatives are calling for underground cabling for the “Südlink”.

The “Daniel Gyro Gearloose” among the Südlink opponents is Ingo Rennert. He has prepared a feasibility study for a complete underground cabling of the southern link. And lo and behold, it’s no more expensive than the monster masts …

Huge power converter just 500 meters from residential area

In the Philippsburg region near Karlsruhe, for example, people are fighting back against the planned power converter. According to a report in the Stuttgarter Zeitung, this is the name of the huge facility that is to be built near the Philippsburg nuclear power plant. It converts the alternating current, which comes from northern Germany, into direct current. The converter, designed for an output of 2,000 megawatts, comprises four huge halls. The K21 citizens’ initiative is particularly critical of the fact that the converter is to be built only around 500 meters from the nearest residential areas. In addition to noise pollution, there are also fears of health risks from electrosmog. The citizens’ initiative also received support from Olav Gutting (CDU), a member of the Bundestag, who advised them to look for alternatives. The protection of people must be given more weight than environmental aspects.

Four million Swiss people are afraid of mobile phone radiation

What is the situation in Switzerland? The Swiss Federal Statistical Office ( SFSO ), for example, conducts a meaningful survey every five years on how high the population considers the risk of technologies and environmental changes to be. The last one took place in 2011. According to the survey, 52 percent of the Swiss population see mobile phone antennas as a health hazard. This means 43 percent of men and 61 percent of women, or four million people in Switzerland as a whole.

“This is astonishing,” writes the Swiss interest group of electrosmog sufferers Gigaherz, “considering the disinformation and smear campaigns worth millions that were chased through the Swiss media by the mobile phone industry and its helpers at the time of these surveys.” For example, the campaign against the CEFALO study is mentioned, in which the increased risk of brain tumors as a result of mobile communications was twisted into the complete opposite, according to “Gigaherz”.

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