The WHO already classified electromagnetic radiation as “possibly carcinogenic” three years ago. This puts EMFs in the same category as gasoline vapors and the plant toxin DDT. However, the way in which electrosmog can (co-)cause breast cancer has not yet been sufficiently researched.

Vidya Frazier presents a new explanatory approach in her article in “Wake UP World” from February 2014, which we have summarized for you here:

Despite major campaigns against breast cancer, new cases are still on the rise in the USA – statistically, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime! This makes it the second most common fatal cancer in women after lung cancer.

More and more research is now showing that electromagnetic radiation could be one of the causes of the rising number of new cases. The scientists have investigated various environmental influences and have come to the conclusion that EMF radiation from mobile phone masts, wi-fi and other mobile devices is probably the most important factor today.

But how does radiation affect our bodies, increasing the likelihood of breast cancer?

This brings us to melatonin, the role of which we also discuss in our “Knowledge” section. This hormone is produced by the pineal gland in the brain and is primarily known for controlling our circadian and circadian rhythms. It is also an important radical scavenger and facilitates DNA synthesis and cell division – so melatonin can help prevent cancer.

Scientists have discovered that low melatonin levels stimulate the growth of certain breast cancer cells, while high levels inhibit growth. For example, breast cancer patients have only 1/10 of the melatonin level of healthy women.

Electrosmog reduces melatonin production

In the past, it has been shown that light, drugs, alcohol, irregular sleep patterns, caffeine and other hormones can affect melatonin production. However, it has now become clear that EMF radiation also reduces melatonin production. (See also section “Knowledge – when is electrosmog harmful”)

The studies even showed that breast cancer cells proliferated strongly under the influence of radiation!

What exactly is happening?

Electromagnetic radiation interrupts the cell communication systems that determine how the cell behaves towards its environment. The EMFs are regarded by the cell as “intruders” and its outer wall, the cell membrane, hardens to protect itself. As a result, however, harmful substances and free radicals remain trapped in the cell – important nutrients remain outside. If the radiation continues and the cell remains in this frozen state, it will eventually die. This makes the affected tissue or organ susceptible to the spread of malignant cancer cells.

Some types of radiation have proven to be more harmful than others. Mobile phone radiation in particular appears to promote breast cancer, especially if the cell phone is carried close to the breasts. But even low levels of radiation or low-frequency electrical fields (clock radios, chargers, etc.) can hinder melatonin production.

How can I protect myself?

Our recommendations under “How can I avoid electrosmog” are still valid and certainly the most important step. You can also protect your body with nutritional supplements. Vitamins A, C, E, selenium and all foods with great antioxidant properties (green tea, OPC, matcha tea, sprouts, pomegranate, aronia berries, etc.) are particularly recommended.

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