
It has less dust and guests stay longer

It also has less dust, which shows with less vacuuming. The whole house feels very harmonious, even though it has a lot of interference zones. Our guests stay seated longer and feel very comfortable. Since the installation, I can sit under energy-saving lamps again without headaches, which was impossible before. Ursula Wegmüller

Fighting for a good cause?

Geeenpeace, Avaaz, Doctors Without Borders, Bread for the World. Organizations that have one thing in common: They have a mission to contribute to the well-being of life on earth. Greenpeace is not fighting against the whalers but protecting the whales wherever necessary. Avaaz does not accuse, but educates and promotes global communication and democratization. Doctors without Borders also help other people in emergency areas and at best fight against blood loss, heart failure or other life-threatening symptoms, but never against the forces that have turned the emergency areas into such areas.

Lyme disease and electrosmog

A few years ago, I had an outbreak of Lyme disease. On the alternative healing path, a naturopath once asked me: "Tell me, did you come into greater contact with electrosmog during the time you had Lyme disease than before?" So I started to think about whether that could be the case. We have an old telephone with cable (so no DECT telephone), I don't have a cell phone and we didn't use "wireless", but suddenly I realized that I was feeling worse and worse from the very moment that a very large cell phone antenna was installed on the neighboring house (same height as our apartment - about 40m away), whose directional beam goes right through our apartment. As I was never afraid of electrosmog and its effects on my body and soul, I didn't think much of it when this mobile phone antenna was installed. But when I was made aware of the connection between the outbreak of Lyme disease and electrosmog exposure, we started to find out what options were available to protect ourselves from electrosmog. During this search, we heard from a good friend that the Swiss-Harmony system had created a much more pleasant indoor climate in his home and that they generally felt much better and free of complaints, both mentally and physically, after the system had been installed in all rooms. I didn't know Swiss Harmony at the time and was honestly skeptical, but our friend told me: "You can take a look at it without obligation, get advice, install the system and have the electrosmog eliminated, and if after a few months you have the feeling that "nothing has worked", you'll get your money back." So we thought, if that's not a great offer. If it does no good, it does no harm and we can only gain from the attempt and lose nothing. So we made an appointment with Richard Neubersch from Swiss Harmony and had the entire harmonization (including water ....) and elimination process carried out in our home and on us. As soon as Richard Neubersch had inserted a device into our fuse box, my heart felt completely different: I felt completely at ease, wide and light and joy spread from my heart. At this point, I have to say that I was still very skeptical at the time! So this could not be a placebo effect. But I thought to myself, maybe it's something else, you never know... But it is exciting that at the very moment the device was activated, all this was going on in my body and in my heart! I experienced the days that followed with great amazement. For the first time in six years, I was able to feel more vitality and, above all, joy more clearly than usual during the "illness phase"! After six years of living with "outbreaks of borrelia" that continuously attacked and "destroyed" my immune system, made themselves felt in all my organs with inflammations and attacked my nervous system in the most intensive way, I was totally exhausted. The borrelia didn't just live on the potassium and other trace elements that I ate every day through fine, healthy food. I had the feeling that in addition to the trace elements, they were also making use of my reservoir of joy... After six years of relapses, pain, insecurities and fears... I was no longer able to feel any real joy. I have to say that I am a very optimistic person and that it took many years with an outbreak of Lyme disease for me to get to this point emotionally. Well, I still had better and worse times after the harmonization and cleansing, but from the time of the installation I felt much better physically and mentally...

Reduce fuel consumption (Part 1)

We want to reduce the fuel consumption of a vehicle that we recently bought second-hand by installing a CarTuner from Swiss Harmony. This trial will show whether this will succeed. To this end, fuel consumption is to be tracked and documented over a longer period of time.

“Resonance – Beings of Frequency”

By chance I came across a very good, perhaps even the best documentation on the subject of radio frequencies today. "Resonance - Beings of Frequency" In just under 90 minutes, the discovery of the Schumann frequency, its background and its significance for humans and nature are explained in great detail and in an unusually easy-to-understand way.

More protection against electromagnetic fields

Bonn/Berlin: At the hearing of associations held in Bonn in November 2012 on the draft ordinance amending the regulations on electromagnetic fields (Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields - 26th BImSchV), BUND pointed out in good time that there are major deficits in protection against non-ionizing radiation, such as that which can be emitted by mobile phone base stations and high-voltage power lines. "The latest findings on the risks and dangers of electromagnetic fields must finally be taken into account. Long-term effects such as cancer or other illnesses cannot be ruled out. Effective protective and precautionary regulations must therefore be enacted. Politicians must help to promote innovations for high-quality, environmentally and health-friendly products that are of decisive and forward-looking importance for Germany as a business location," said Wilfried Kühling, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of BUND and mobile communications expert.

Special issue on the subject of sleep

The Journal of Preventive Medicine published a special issue on sleep in 2011 that you should not miss if you suffer from sleep disorders.

Supreme Court in Rome rules: Cell phone causes brain tumor

A ruling by the Supreme Court in Rome has startled the mobile communications industry. The mobile phone operator was held responsible for a plaintiff's brain tumor and ordered to pay damages.

Paracelsus School of Naturopathy Zurich harmonizes

Students at the Paracelsus School of Naturopathy in Zurich can now study in a more relaxed manner, as the effects of the neighboring mobile phone mast have been eliminated.

Paracelsus Clinic Lustmühle harmonizes

The Paracelsus Clinic Lustmühle is known for its healing successes not only in Switzerland but also in the USA. Since 2012, it has also been free of electrosmog and has harmonized drinking water.

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