The influence of water veins is not directly perceptible to us humans.
We have lost the “antennae” for this due to the various distractions of the outside world. In addition, radiosensitivity and radiesthesia are not taken seriously but rather ridiculed.
The detection of earth radiation with the help of a pendulum or rod is probably as old as the history of mankind. Well-known personalities from the fields of medicine, religion, physics and geology have often dealt with it.
Humans have the ability to detect radiation if they train themselves to do so. It’s like playing the piano. Anyone could do it, but very few have mastered it.
In the past, our intuition was sufficient for radiation fields, but we have lost this ability due to technology and environmental influences. Babies and small children still have this natural feeling for earth radiation, because they intuitively choose the best place in their bed that is harmless to their health.
Animals and plants also react to the effects of radiation. Cats and ants seek them out, while dogs prefer unexposed places. Trees often have growths or their trunks are twisted or crooked because they are trying to avoid the interference zones.
There is evidence that as early as 13,500 BC. in Togo (South Africa) wells were located with the help of a rod or pendulum.
In China, too, it was known thousands of years ago that strong radiation emanates from the earth. By decree, the property had to be checked for “evil earth spirits” before a new building could be constructed.
In Russia, dowsing is scientifically recognized. Dowsers are called “operators” there, who work from airplanes as well as on the ground.
A bed can make you ill
Paracelsus, Baron von Pohl, Goethe, Professor Sauerbruch, Einstein and many others sympathized with dowsers, if they did not even work with dowsing rods themselves. Centuries ago, they warned of the pathogenic influence of earth rays and water veins.
Many illnesses or complaints, especially chronic ones, for which doctors have no plausible explanation, can often be traced back to water veins in the sleeping area. Even Paracelsus, the 16th century physician and naturalist, said: “A sick bed is a sure way to ruin your health.”
“Cancer houses” prove the influence of water veins!
The naturalist, Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, proved this with his research project: In Vilsbiburg/Lower Bavaria, he examined the town and its surroundings for water veins. His work was officially supervised. In a drawing, he marked the houses that stood on water veins. The district physician, Dr. Bernhuber, compared this information with the death certificates of the previous 12 years and came to the conclusion that there were deaths from cancer in each of the marked houses. This was the first time that the connection between water veins and cancer had been made clear. You can view the official protocol from Vilsbiburg directly here.
Baron von Pohl coined the term “crab houses” after Vilsbiburg.
Dr. Rambeau: Cancer cases coincide with water veins
The physician, Dr. Victor Rambeau, repeated von Pohl’s experiment in three different locations near Marburg. He also came to the same conclusion: the cancer cases were congruent with the identified water veins.
In his report, he wrote: “In our statistical work, we looked for a house that is located on geologically undisturbed terrain and still has cancer, but we did not find this house!”
Dr. Hagen: Water veins are clearly cancer-promoting
Many years later, a third researcher, Dr. Hagen from Stettin, carried out further research. He obtained a list of all deaths from cancer from 1910 to 1931 from the statistical office in Stettin. He investigated in which houses the deaths took place and came to a striking conclusion after examining 5148 deaths. To summarize:
- 51 houses with 5 cancer deaths each
- 15 houses with 6 cancer deaths each
- 6 houses with 7 cancer deaths each
- 1 house with 8 cancer deaths each
- 1 house with 9 cancer deaths each
- 5 houses with 10 cancer deaths and more each
The result for two retirement homes was particularly worrying. One was located exactly on a water vein crossing and had 28 deaths. The other home was free of water veins and has also been free of cancer cases all these years. This makes the influence of water veins on human health quite clear.
The experts on the influence of water veins
The publication of these studies drew the attention of the medical profession and the topic was the subject of heated debate. A number of doctors came to the conclusion that the irrefutability of the results presented must force medical science to rethink and act.
In 1932, Nobel Prize winner Max Planck called for a department at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin to research earth radiation.
In the recent past, a government-funded study was commissioned at the urging of Dr. Veronika Carstens. She said: “If it is true that there must always be a factor in all possible forms of cancer – namely the effect of earth radiation – then it is not justifiable not to investigate these phenomena with all the means of research.” This study of over 10,000 individual cases by Professors Betz and König revealed that the phenomenon does exist.
Swiss Harmony eliminates the influence of water veins

Swiss Harmony removes interference from the entire house, without the need to precisely determine interference zones such as water veins beforehand
Swiss Harmony offers a technology for suppressing earth radiation and harmonizing the entire living environment. By specifically influencing harmful information, a vibrational state is achieved that allows the organism to live stress-free and develop vitality. Swiss Harmony not only makes geopathic interference zones such as water veins or earth faults harmless for the organism, but also neutralizes other harmful radiation that enters our rooms from outside as well as radiation from technical devices within these rooms.
Restoring the natural ratio of negative and positive ions also ensures fresh mountain air in the office or at home, and particles in the air are transported back to the ground.
Further information on Swiss Harmony technology can be found here.
If you are interested in harmonizing your house or apartment, please read our product information.
You can find our price list here.
Finding earth rays and water veins yourself
If you have lost your sense for earth rays, there is another possibility to check for water veins or earth rays in your apartment or house and directly at your sleeping place.
You probably have what you need in your own household or even as an app on your smartphone.
Have you become curious? You have the opportunity to find out about this method of detecting water veins and earth radiation free of charge. Subscribe to our newsletter and you will receive the link to find water veins and earth rays yourself with your successful registration.