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Drive unencumbered and relaxed while saving fuel and producing fewer pollutants.


In a modern car the amount of wiring in it can add up to numerous miles. In a high end model the amount of electric motors could be as high as 30. Electrosmog in the car is a growing reality that gets ignored all to often. Drivers and passengers complain more often about headaches, sickness, and the feeling of being beat and exhausted after a long trip.

The CarTuner provides a safe environment in the car by adding electromagnetic radiation protection to any vehicle. An environment that allows driving free from electrosmog.

Swiss Harmony CarTuner neutralizes any possible harmful effects, caused by electromog, when driving. In a harmonized car the driver and all passengers can truly relax. Even after long travel times all passengers and especially the driver remain in the best condition.

In a harmonized car, you can drive for hours without worrying about the negative effects of electrosmog.

Reducing fuel consumption

Most of our clients additionally report a reduction in fuel consumption since having installed the CarTuner. We wanted to know if that was true so we conducted a challenge in the United Kingdom. We drove twice from London to Edinburg and back. Once with out the CarTuner and once with it installed. On this challenge we were accompanied by a professional video production company, J Motion. The result of the test were astounding. On the first harmonized trip we saved 22% and on the second harmonized trip we saved 15%. The video can be seen at the top if this page or here on YouTube.

It is available in three sizes for passenger cars (S), minibuses and vans (M) and for trucks and buses (L).

Dimensions: 60 x 10 x 40 mm (size s)

Weight: approx 75 g

Shell material: Stainless steel with plastic caps

Inside material: Quartz sand with magnetic stripe

  1. Klaus T., Zurich (CH)

    Dear Mr. Neubersch, could it be that the CarTuner also has an effect on static charging? In any case, I no longer get an electric shock when I touch my car. And the best thing is that my fuel consumption has dropped from 9.6 l to 7.5 l. I would never have thought that possible. I only ordered your product because I wanted to do something about the electrosmog in my car, because my wife has always suffered a lot from it. But even that is over now. Thank you very much!

    Klaus T., Zurich (CH)

  2. Manuela B., Vaduz

    Dear Mr. Neubersch, I would like to thank you personally VERY Sincerely.

    They are an invaluable help to me with all their products.

    The CarTuner is also simply brilliant!

    Manuela B., Vaduz

  3. Gudrun V., Saalfeld (D)

    Since installing the CarTuner, the engine in our car runs much more quietly and it is more pleasant to drive. The bangles helped us a lot during the moving phase.

    Gudrun V., Saalfeld (D)

  4. Franziska K, Stuttgart (D)

    The CarTuner is the best thing I have bought recently. My children no longer get sick in the car and, above all, they no longer fight in the back seat. That was always very annoying. But what I like best is that my tank lasts longer. That’s very good for my household budget!

    Franziska K, Stuttgart (D)

  5. Sue A., Surrey (GB)

    Thank you for sending the CarTuner to France so quickly! I had a long drive to Toulouse yesterday and felt a clear difference. I didn’t fall asleep during the whole journey (as a passenger) and even on the return journey, for which I was at the wheel myself, I felt much more awake and alert than usual. And the big “blind test” was my father, who regularly falls asleep in the car after 10 minutes and had no idea that we now have the CarTuner. He felt tired when he boarded and fell asleep briefly, only to wake up after a short time and stay awake for the rest of the journey.

    Sue A., Surrey (GB)

  6. Robert B., Hanover (D)

    I wasn’t allowed to drive faster than 140 km/h in the past, because otherwise my wife would immediately slow me down. Since I installed the CarTuner, it still looks calmly out of the side window even at 190 km/h. She says she is totally relaxed and no longer has headaches. Wonderful!

    Robert B., Hanover (D)

  7. Ralph D., Schwetzingen

    My wife often had pressure on her “cell phone ear” in the evening, and I also had slight tinitus …
    Now, with the BioPatch on the smartphone, it’s gone.

    My fuel consumption has dropped by 2 liters at a constant 120 km/h with the CarTuner.
    Great products ?

    Ralph D., Schwetzingen

  8. Olaf B., Häusern

    This morning I installed the CarTuner in my car before driving to Baden Baden. After 50 km I got onto the highway behind Freiburg. The car ran more and more smoothly, and at full throttle not 160 but a good 180. I ended up saving 5 euros over 350 km.

    Olaf B., Häusern

  9. Peter S., Rothenburg (CH)

    I already have the following products from you:
    – BioRing (I am more balanced; clear difference to the temporary heraldic ring)
    – Deep sleep band (I can fall asleep and stay asleep quickly)
    – CarTuner (no more microsleep, less diesel consumption)
    I am therefore very satisfied with your products.

    Update from 07.11.2022 – Delivered by the customer.

    My current status, which I no longer want to do without:
    – Air conditioning tuner (I installed it myself for the whole apartment according to your instructions).
    – Car Tuner (unchanged, and also successfully in use after changing the car to a gasoline hybrid).
    – Bio Patches (for mobile phone and cordless phone),
    – Body Card (for on the go, always with you).
    – I no longer need the Bio Ring and deep sleep band !!!
    Your products are wonderful!
    I am simply doing very well! Thank you very much.

    Peter S., Rothenburg (CH)

  10. Bruno W., Hedingen

    Yesterday I took the car to Vilters near Sargans to visit our daughter, about 200 km there and back. As much as possible with cruise control. Consumption so far approx. 4.8 to 4.9 liters/100km. yesterday 4.7 liters/100km. Cause of the reduction: The displacement of the device on the car battery by you, in the area of the positive pole! I’m curious to see how this will affect the summer tires.

    Bruno W., Hedingen

  11. Angelika P., Biederthal (F)

    I am absolutely delighted with the Cartuner. I drive a much more relaxed car and also have the impression that I need less diesel. We also slept in the car on vacation and the only thing that bothered us were the mosquitoes.

    Angelika P., Biederthal (F)

  12. Beat S., Brienz (CH)

    Dear Richard, as you know, I often fell asleep for seconds in the car, even if I only had short journeys and was fully rested. When you told me that this had to do with electrosmog, I didn’t believe you. Actually, I only let you install the CarTuner because you were so convinced and I thought I would soon be able to give it back to you because it wasn’t working. But I was wrong, because since I’ve had it, it’s never happened again, no matter how long my journeys are. So thank you from the bottom of my heart and especially for the fact that I have less gasoline costs. I estimate it’s a good 10 to 15%.

    Beat S., Brienz (CH)

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  • 5 Sterne
  • 4 Sterne
  • 3 Sterne
  • 2 Sterne
  • 1 Stern

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Is Swiss Harmony also effective against 5G?

All our products generate a harmonious vibration spectrum at the information level of the respective energy system (house, apartment, car, human being, animal), just as you would find it in untouched nature.

In such a vibration spectrum (approx. 390 to 780 Nm = light spectrum), artificial frequencies cannot generate resonances and therefore cannot influence our cells.

Regardless of whether these frequencies are between 700 Mhz and 5 Ghz (the frequencies currently used for mobile communications) or between 20 Ghz and 100 Ghz (the frequencies planned for 5G at a later date): In any case, they are far outside the visible light spectrum.

Can I test Swiss Harmony before I buy?

Even though other companies offer non-binding trials for many products, we decided against it.

Instead, we give our customers the opportunity to return all goods purchased in the store without giving reasons within 30 days with a full refund of the purchase price.
For house and apartment harmonizations, we extend this money-back guarantee by a further 3 months to a total of four months. However, this right can be exercised at the earliest two months after installation.

How long do the devices last?

Swiss Harmony’s biotuners are designed to last and remain effective indefinitely, and the oldest devices of this type have been in use for 25 years and are still working perfectly.


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