Electrosmog pollution

5G and WLAN: worrying signals

Resistance to 5G and the digitalization of schools and nurseries is growing. New studies reveal disturbing findings about the causes of mobile phone radiation. The movie "TOTAL TRUST" is also more than disturbing.

Thanks to cell phones: dead pants instead of fertility

Epidemiological study with soldiers confirms the results of laboratory and animal studies: soldiers who used their cell phone more than 20 times a day had a significantly lower sperm concentration on average than soldiers who used their cell phone less than once a week. This is the result of the largest epidemiological study conducted in Switzerland to date.

Mobile radio and its effects on children

There are only a few studies that have explicitly looked at the increased risk of cancer from nearby mobile phone masts. However, more recent studies on this topic are now emerging, and the results are more than worrying.

Mobile radio as a health risk: warnings often go unheeded

Although more and more doctors, researchers and those affected are warning of the dangers of mobile phone radiation, in many places the authorities are not taking the signals seriously. A new documentary looks at the health risks of mobile telephony and shows the machinations used by the industry to defend itself against critics.

High-frequency radiation: Critical scientists have a hard time

Scientists today often find it difficult to take a critical look at the risks of radio frequency radiation from cell phones or WLAN. In contrast, others leave no stone unturned to suppress critical investigations. Michal Witthöft, whose study in summer 2013 entitled "Bei Anruf Hysterie" (On Call Hysteria), according to a report by gigaherz.chThe Swiss Association of Electrosmog Affected People, which was pushed by a science journalist in the Swiss press, in particular by the NZZ, which has close ties to the business world, apparently wants to find out once again: Now promoted to science professor and head of the Department of Clinical Psychology at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, he is once again looking for test subjects for a new experiment to prove the so-called NOCEBO effect caused by electromagnetic fields (non-ionizing radiation) emanating from high-voltage power lines, cell phones and WLAN routers or similar. If you would like to be electrically tickled by machine for scientific purposes in order to demonstrate to mankind once again that the effects of non-ionizing radiation on humans, animals and plants are purely psychological in nature and would like to treat yourself to a fun day in Mainz, please do. Here are the registration conditions.

Cell phones reduce fertility

What doctors have long suspected has now been confirmed by a new study from the University of Haifa: electromagnetic radiation from cell phones can damage male fertility. In the diagnose:funk focus "Smartphones & tablets damage testicles, sperm and embryos", the explosive study situation is documented for the first time for the public: 130 studies and 13 "reviews" prove that pulsed microwave radiation endangers male sperm and the healthy development of the embryo. In almost no other area are the results of mobile phone research as extensive and unambiguous as on damage to the reproductive organs.

Childless due to smartphones & co.

According to a study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and published in mid-2015, only around three quarters of childless men and women between the ages of 20 and 50 have no offspring by choice. For around 25 percent of couples, the desire to have children remains unfulfilled. One of the possible reasons for this could be the increasing exposure to radiation due to the digitalization of our world. As the following explanations show, there is a connection between decreasing fertility and increasing mobile phone radiation.

Smartphone: dents on the finger, wrinkles in the skin?

Waking up with the cell phone alarm clock, driving to work with Google Maps, ordering lunch online, communicating with friends and colleagues via Whatsapp, planning the evening with the help of an app: life without a smartphone is unimaginable for many people. However, few people realize the consequences of this dependency.

Smartphone: Declining productivity – increasing health risks

Many people can no longer imagine everyday life without a smartphone. According to a study by the University of Bonn, people interrupt their work every 18 minutes or so to reach for their smartphone. And that up to 53 times a day!

Switzerland: New regulations for more mobile phone radiation?

The mobile phone lobby seems to be successful. In politics, efforts are currently being made on several fronts to open the door to mobile phone technology - to the detriment of our health and the environment. Citizens' initiatives are taking countermeasures and appealing for personal responsibility.

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