Dear Mr. Neubersch,

It is now very important to me to let you know how I am doing since Swiss Harmony has been in my home.

You may remember my initial skepticism. I actually only asked you to join us because you were featured on Timetodo, a program that I trust very much. However, I also had to stand up to my husband, who didn’t want me to bring another “weirdo” into the house. (Excuse me. That’s how he talks. You’ve met him.)

But now, three months after your visit, he is talking very differently because he can finally sleep deeply again and his asthma has subsided. His changes were so obviously due to harmonization that even he recognized it and had to admit it.

But I wanted to write to you about how I’m doing.

The lightness that I felt immediately after the installation has remained. Depression, if it manifests itself at all, is only mild and quickly disappears.

After just four weeks, I had the feeling that I should stop taking my blood pressure medication. So I reduced it slowly but steadily from that moment on. Today is my third day completely without blood pressure medication, and my readings are normal.

Mr. Neubersch, that alone makes my husband and I very happy, but we are most happy about Kevin. You may remember that he worried us more and more because he could hardly get out of bed in the morning, was getting worse and worse at school and we wondered what we had done wrong, because about two years ago he had enjoyed school and had brought home the best grades.

Well, school has only just started, but I can already tell you that Kevin is well on the way to regaining his old form. You wouldn’t believe how much this takes the pressure off us.

My husband and I are convinced that it is not only due to the home harmonization but also to the BodyCard that he takes to school every day, because the electrosmog in his classroom is so much stronger than in our home.

We read on your website that the BioBracelet is now available and would like to order it for Kevin.

Dear Mr. Neubersch, thank you once again for Swiss Harmony! Your work has significantly improved our quality of life, which is why we are happy to recommend you at every opportunity.

With best regards

Claudia M., Lucerne