Resistance to 5G mobile technology is growing worldwide. The reason for this is new findings and warnings from the scientific community, which classifies 5G as highly carcinogenic.
Because pulsed high-frequency radiation from Wi-Fi, 5G, etc. weakens the immune system, a conscious approach to such technologies would be important, especially during the coronavirus crisis. Doctors and researchers emphatically point this out.
In Switzerland alone, hundreds of thousands of electrosensitive people struggle with sometimes severe symptoms through the increasingly contaminated everyday life. However, they have been denied the media attention of coronavirus.
Two new books deal with the effects and dangers of mobile phone radiation and 5G in particular, based on the latest findings and studies. In view of the coronavirus pandemic, the government seems to be very concerned about people's health. Does this also apply to 5G?
If the health of the population is the focus of political efforts during the corona pandemic, the government should reduce exposure to radiation from mobile communications. This is what doctors are calling for in an open letter to the German government.
Insects suffer from electromagnetic fields, especially those from mobile phones and WLAN. This is the conclusion of a new meta-study. More and more people are recognizing the dangers of mobile phone technology.
The portrayal of 5G technology and its health risks in some media is anything but objective. The fact that 5G is to be introduced with virtually no risk analysis is hardly an issue. Rather, Corona is still in the media spotlight. Rightly so?
Protection against the coronavirus requires not only masks, but above all health awareness. This includes a conscious approach to mobile phone radiation, which is considered to be carcinogenic. A collection of signatures for a popular initiative is currently underway in Switzerland.
The current crisis surrounding the coronavirus pandemic offers an opportunity to discuss the risks to health and the environment anew - for example in connection with 5G mobile communications technology.
More than 240 scientists made a joint appeal to the UN and WHO with their sometimes alarming research findings on 5G mobile technology. In France, test measurements on 5G antennas revealed astonishing results.