
New, committed protest movement against 5G

A good half of the German population rejects new cell phone masts. But that doesn’t seem to interest the government, let alone the mobile communications industry. Doctors warn of the health consequences of mobile phone radiation in an open letter.

According to a report by, the controversial expansion of 5G continues. But not everywhere! A small country in the middle of Europe shows how things can be better with a little common sense. While in Germany, the federal government wants to send emissaries to municipalities that are unwilling to use wireless technology to break down resistance to 5G by providing the right “information”, the Swiss government is refraining from raising the limits in favor of 5G due to “reservations among the population” (!). And so there is a de facto “moratorium on 5G” in Switzerland, the model country for mobile communications – according to the operators! What an interesting comparison for both sides’ understanding of democracy: here: enforcement – there: Pause!

Half of all Germans are against new pylons

“Reservations” among the German population therefore seem to be of less interest: A good half of all Germans are just as opposed to the erection of new masts, as they are particularly necessary for 5G. And German municipalities – like several Swiss cantons – also want a ‘moratorium on 5G’. However, while in Germany the ‘competence’ of the municipalities for a moratorium is in doubt, some Swiss cantons have already announced it with a comparable legal situation. Geneva is setting the standard with a formal law with a three-year moratorium for both 5G and 4G Plus. Critical statements by the federal government on this “self-help” apparently failed due to the elementary Swiss understanding of democracy, which also allows for elements of resistance in times of need.

Weakening of the immune system

In an open letter to the German government, the organization “Ärzte und Mobilfunk” (Doctors and Mobile Communications ) calls for a drastic reduction in the increasing radiation exposure caused by wireless technologies during the crisis. Because: “… In addition to the degree of infectivity of the virus, the susceptibility of the “host” plays a role, i.e. specifically how well the immune system functions and whether specific virus antibodies are missing or have already been formed. In prevention and treatment, it is therefore particularly important to prevent a weakening of the immune system and also to strengthen the immune system therapeutically in many cases. Damage to the immune system is caused, for example, by widespread toxins, malnutrition, some medications, air pollution and certain lifestyle factors (alcohol, nicotine). In addition, over the last two decades, new harmful environmental influences have emerged, the effects of which we have increasingly noticed in our medical and psychotherapeutic work. This is the ubiquitous permanent exposure to mobile communications (cell phones and smartphones as well as the associated base stations) and similar technologies with pulsed radio frequency (WLAN with frequencies of 2.4 and higher than 5 GHz, DECT cordless phones, baby phones, tablets, Bluetooth, “intelligent” measuring systems – so-called “smart meters”, radar, etc.).”

Radio program on 5G

The free radio station “Radio Blau” from Leipzig addressed the topic of 5G and possible health risks on May 7, 2020 as part of the evening show “Aktuell”. In this 14-minute interview, Matthias von Herrmann, press officer at diagnose:funk, answers questions about the health risks posed by mobile phone radiation. The contribution is available to listen to on, the audio portal for free radios: Or listen to it as an MP3 directly in your browser:

Critical journalist

Given the large volume of advertising that the mobile communications industry provides, it is rare to see the media expressing criticism of 5G. One exception is the journalist Klaus Scheidsteger. He is one of the few media professionals in the world who follow the events surrounding the mobile communications industry at close quarters. His film documentary Thank You For Calling (2016) caused a sensation and is still highly topical, according to a report by “Fortunately, the hype created by the mobile communications industry about the new 5G generation of mobile phones has also led to a new, committed protest movement,” says Klaus Scheidsteger, “more and more people are realizing, for example through their own research, through personal concern, concern for their own health or the health of their children and grandchildren, that something is rotten in the state…” But when we fight against something, we create an enemy image and only add fuel to the fire of our society’s belligerent attitude. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself,” said Gandhi. This includes educating ourselves and waking up. Self-responsible action is necessary here. Inform yourself not only on the basis of the mainstream media, but also alternatively, so that you can form your own opinion.

Generate a harmonic oscillation field

How can you protect yourself and your children from high-frequency radiation and electrosmog? “The law of resonance states that no resonances can occur in an oscillation field with oscillations whose frequencies lie outside those of the field,” says Richard Neubersch, owner of Swiss Harmony in Grellingen, a company that specializes in the harmonization of electrosmog. In other words: In a harmonic oscillation field, artificial radiation has no effect, regardless of who generates it, whether it comes from a neighbor or a nearby mobile phone mast. The mobile products from Swiss Harmony (BioRing, BodyCard, BioBracelet and the BioPatch) harmonize the human body by transmitting the harmonic vibration as information to the human energy system. This means that artificially created radiation fields can no longer resonate.

Protection from harmful radiation

In concrete terms, this means Products from Swiss Harmony for harmonizing houses and apartments ensure that the electricity that supplies a building with electricity receives a different message. “They transfer the information of the visible light spectrum to the passing current via the resonance path, which in turn distributes it throughout the entire effective range of the circuit,” explains Richard Neubersch. The electromagnetic field of the apartment or house thus becomes a harmonious field. In-house WLAN transmitters, cell phones or cordless phones are interference-free because they are connected to the harmonic current field and therefore emit the same harmonic information.

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