In April 2013, we moved into a house that was built in the 1930s. We quickly realized that something was not quite right in this house and we didn’t really feel comfortable. When I told a friend how unhappy we were in our new home, she recommended that I contact Mr. Neubersch from Swiss Harmony.

Somewhat skeptical, I nevertheless decided to contact Mr. Neubersch, not least because I saw on his website that he lives nearby. I asked him if he would be willing to take a look at our house. He came the same day and installed a Swiss Harmony device at the power input of our rented house.

The effect is amazing.

My wife immediately felt better, but I was still skeptical and wondered if it wasn’t just my imagination. I didn’t sleep that first night, but I was full of energy and had a feeling in my body as if all my bones and nerves were relaxed.
When I spoke to my wife in the morning, she told me that the pain she had had for several years in her lower back and her whole left leg was gone. My wife always attributed this pain to an operation (herniated disc) she had seven years ago. And now they are gone from one day to the next.
I also had something to report, because the whole right side of my body had been electrified since moving into this house. In the truest sense of the word. I felt a pain in my body that alternated from the bottom of my feet all the way up to my shoulder, indefinable, pulsating, nerve-wracking. This made the right side of my body tense even when I was sleeping, so I was always tense. The pain was gone the morning after the installation.

Our son was also amazed at how well he slept and that he no longer had a headache, as he had been complaining of headaches every morning since we moved in.

Full of joy, we went shopping in the next village. When I arrived at the supermarket, it took less than five minutes and I felt that hard-to-define pain in the right side of my body again. It was strongest in the refrigeration systems and at the checkouts. As soon as I returned to my harmonized home, I could feel how the pain slowly but steadily subsided and disappeared completely after about half an hour.

We now wear the bio bracelet and the BodyCard when we leave the house and since then it’s much less painful outside and in supermarkets than without it. So here too, Swiss Harmony makes things a lot easier for us.

Two months have passed since then and the pain in my wife and myself has disappeared.

We are pain-free thanks to Swiss Harmony.

Therefore we can and will only recommend Swiss Harmony as effective.

Thank you very much for this great relief!

Nicola and Gabriela Lotti, Lengnau