Digital data exchange and mobile phone expansion: the new wave of unlimited communication is not only flooding our contemporary possibilities, but also our living space. This refers to a word that is currently causing quite a stir alongside radiation: electrosmog. No other topic offers so much scope for discussion, debate and research.

Explanatory order: Electrosmog. Swiss Harmony helps, unconditionally

Swiss Harmony has made it its mission to shed light on all the background and effects of electromagnetic radiation in a neutral, objective and precise manner. It is important to us to leave no questions unanswered and to offer help with our products. Above all, we emphasize that we do not represent any interest groups and are not influenced in any way. Our aim is to provide detailed information.

Recommended discovery: ZEIT article “Verstrahlt” sheds light on electrosmog

With this in mind, we have an article at hand that takes up the topic from all sides: the recently published ZEIT article “Verstrahlt” (Radiated)from August 29, 2013 takes a closer look at the phenomenon of “electrosmog” and attempts to present all positions. The major parties sitting around the table here are primarily science and the mobile communications industry. Editors Anne Kunze and Max Rauner let both sides have their say. This reveals contradictions, but also scientific facts and, last but not least, a hitherto far more underestimated wave: the fear of the insecure and electrosensitive. Kunze and Rauner may not have the big truth ready for the reader at the end, but they consciously deal with the wave of radiation, which is difficult to see through, and in this respect shed light on the electrosmog haze:

“Anyone who pursues this doubt encounters insecure people who are looking for explanations for their illnesses. They meet researchers who accuse each other of falsifying studies and spreading lies. They find profiteers who make a profit from radiation and others who make money from the fear of it.” (Quote ZEIT article, 8/29/2013)

Crucial: How do you feel?

Despite all the wrangling over opinions, the most important question remains: How do you feel? As soon as physical limitations occur, you should take a closer look and also consider modern influences such as electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, high-voltage power lines and computer networks. You don’t have to slip straight into the radiation suit afterwards. Conscious changes in the home and everyday environment are already sufficient. This is where we come in – but only if you want us to, of course.