A new study by Trent University Ontario (Canada) shows a clear link between exposure to radio radiation and an increase in heart rate, cardiac arrhythmia and HRV (heart rate variability) disorders.

HRV is an important value that provides information about the state of our autonomic nervous system and thus, among other things, about our stress tolerance, performance and risk of burnout.

The framework conditions of this study:

  • Radiation source: commercially available DECT telephone in the 2.4 GHz range, as is very common in private households.
  • The study was conducted with healthy volunteers.
  • The base station of the telephone was plugged in at a distance of 60 cm from the head of the test subjects for 3 minutes.
  • The test subjects did not know if and when they were exposed to radiation

The results:

  • 40% of the test subjects showed a major change in heart rate
  • The average heart rate rose from 68 beats/min to 122 – 129 beats/min.
  • After unplugging the DECT phone, the pulse rate quickly returned to normal, and a renewed increase was observed after re-exposure.

For the body, the measured values mean pure stress; it cannot distinguish whether there is real danger or not. The stress hormone spiral with its dangerous effects on the immune system and performance is set in motion!

The most important thing:
The test subjects were not asked about their (subjective) well-being, but the physical effects were clearly and objectively determined by measuring their pulse.

DECT telephones are an omnipresent source of radiation in our everyday lives. Even if we don’t have our own cell phone, it still “radiates” through the walls from the neighbors. Most w-lan routers also operate on the same frequency of 2.4 Ghz, and their pulsation is even more aggressively perceptible to our bodies.

Electromagnetic radiation is just one of many harmful environmental factors and toxins that are increasing rapidly. It is therefore important to protect our body and living space with suitable measures in order to survive in everyday life in the long term.

Original article in English at http://www.endalldisease.com/study-proves-cordless-phones-routers-affect-heart/
More about Dr. Magda Havas, head of this study: http://www.magdahavas.com/
Further information on Dr. Rea’s work at the Environmental Health Center, US-Dallas:
