5 minutes

Part 6: How does earth radiation impact us?

The consensus about earth rays and their impact remains fraught. Skeptics deny their existence and believe they have no effect. Others have dedicated themselves to researching them and believe the contrary.

Children and infants still have an “antenna” for earth radiation. If they roll around in bed frequently, they are looking for a stress-free spot.
Children and infants still have an “antenna” for earth radiation. If they roll around in bed frequently, they are looking for a stress-free spot.


The pathological effects of geopathic stresses are not always immediately obvious. They are gradual and more insidious. Initial symptoms may arise in the form of disorders of the immune system or in an inconspicuous illness that recurs after a short time despite successful therapy and with no apparent explanation. If medication and complementary therapies follow a pattern of temporary improvement followed by subsequent deterioration in spite of further medical or therapeutic care, then you should consider the subtle effect of earth radiation as a possible cause. Often, however, at this point damage is extensive and path to recovery may prove long and tedious.

We assume that geopathic stress symptoms only have a effect when we expose ourselves to them for prolonged periods on a daily basis. This applies primarily and especially to exposure in the bedroom. When we sleep we usually relax completely, reducing our body functions to a minimum. This gives the negative effects of earth rays a better chance to influence us. In most cases, these influences manifest as sleep disorders (e.g. restless sleep, insomnia, and frequent waking). Children are particularly susceptible: when they toss and turn in bed, it may be an unconscious effort to find a stress-free place to sleep.

Anyone who wakes up feeling exhausted should investigate his or her sleeping quarters.
Anyone who wakes up feeling exhausted should investigate his or her sleeping quarters.


If you sleep over a source of geopathic stress, more often than not, you will feel exhausted in the morning and may experience back or neck pain. The effects, of phenomena such as geopathic stresses, are subtle and not everyone notices them readily. Even if we cannot observe them, however, they can still affect our health negatively. Long exposures can lead to serious symptoms and diseases.

Scientists have observed that it can take up to five years for diseases, such as cancer, to become symptomatic. In this context, we can also assume that symptom-free people who have slept in the same place for seven years or more without having moved their bed, can be assured that they have no unhealthy earth radiation or water veins in their bedroom.

Anyone who has a desk job and sits in the same place for eight or more hours a day should explore the possibility of harmful earth radiation. This is especially true if he or she feels tired, drained, or exhausted after work, or frequently suffers from headaches or back pain at the end of the day.

Next: Part 7: Studies on Earth Rays


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