
Contributions on the subject of studies

More awareness in dealing with mobile technology?

The coronavirus pandemic is exposing many wounds in our society. Also in dealing with digitalization or mobile technology. But perhaps corona will lead to a salutary change in consciousness.

Fear and dangers around corona and 5G

What does corona have to do with mobile communications and 5G? Fear of the virus weakens the immune system. At the same time, the constant focus on cell phones and media prevents us from staying centered in ourselves. New studies point to the dangers of 5G.

Protection from 5G: Swiss Harmony

You ask yourself whether all the interference suppression products on the market also protect against 5G radiation exposure, and this is a legitimate question. Almost without exception, the products available from the many manufacturers use different technologies. Various use the destructive interference process, in which the products literally reflect the incoming rays and send them back out of phase, so that the waves ultimately overlap and cancel each other out. Other methods use an energetic shielding method that excludes radiation of any kind. Understandably, we are unable to assess the extent to which all these products offer effective protection and can still be used with 5G. We recommend that you contact the manufacturer directly. Swiss Harmony uses a different procedure:

The corona virus and Swiss Harmony

The coronavirus is currently developing into a pandemic with unforeseen consequences in the lives of every single person. We are all affected in some way. Be it directly or in our circle of acquaintances, through restrictions on our life and travel plans, through the loss of income or even jobs. We at Swiss Harmony were initially very relaxed and it took us some time to realize that a global crisis was brewing. Open end.

Having a say instead of suffering

People's need to have a say in digital developments is growing. On the one hand, this is shown by the latest surveys, and on the other hand, this trend is confirmed by the numerous protests and resistance to the introduction of the controversial 5G mobile communications standard.

5G: “Not acting today can prove to be a disaster tomorrow”

In Turin, the Court of Appeal confirms the brain tumor case of a former employee of Telecom Italia as a result of professional cell phone use. Demonstrations against the expansion of the 5G standard were held in numerous cities such as Hamburg and Zurich. Swedish professor Olle Johansson warns of the consequences of mobile phone radiation.

5G between the population, science and a billion-dollar business

While some scientists, such as Professor James C. Lin, are using new findings to classify mobile phone radiation as clearly carcinogenic, others, such as the federal expert Professor Martin Röösli, are being strongly criticized by 22 cancer researchers from 13 countries for conflicts of interest.

Digitized, networked and irradiated

5G makes many things possible - among other things, the total networking of people with devices and cities. However, the supposedly attractive attributes of such a digitalized world harbour fundamental social and health risks.

5G: When the government is deaf in one ear

A potentially carcinogenic plant protection product used in agriculture will be banned in Switzerland from January 1, 2020. What about "possibly" carcinogenic mobile phone radiation? How serious is the government about this issue? Recent studies have shown genetic and fertility disorders caused by 3G and 4G.

Houses of worship with a radiant “sense of mission”

Sweeter the bells they ring. In some church towers, the bells have to share their space with mobile phone antennas. However, there is increasing resistance to such questionable methods. High time!

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