The BodyCard works through the law of resonance and requires no electricity or other sources of energy to protect you from electrosmog in cars, trains, offices, shopping malls and other public places that puts a heavy strain on our bodies. We often underestimate just how much of a toll electrosmog takes because we can’t taste it or see it.

Swiss Harmony’s BodyCard helps to combat the strain of electrosmog. When worn in a pocket or directly on skin it neutralizes the negative influences of electrosmog, cell phone radiation, water veins, earth rays, and environmental toxins.
Swiss Harmony’s BodyCard has an unlimited lifespan as long as it is cared for properly. It should not be put through the washing machine or treated carelessly. Airport scanners do not interfere with its ability to function. It can be worn directly on your skin or placed in a pocket. To ensure its 100% effectiveness, it should never be worn more than 1 inch from your body.
We have had especially good feedback when used during a stay at a hotel. Keep it in your pyjama pocket or in the keycard slot by the door.
Technical details:
Material: PVC, laminated with magnetic stripe and hologram sticker.
Dimensions: 85 mm x 54 mm
 We tested the effects of the BodyCard and aura photography. You can read all about the results in our blog.
Gregor v.D., Cham –
Thank you very much for the BodyCard, it really helped me through the trade fair. Normally I’m always completely exhausted after 2 hours at the trade fair. Now, apart from a few tired feet, I had fun all day long and was able to enjoy the trade fair and its visitors.
Gregor v.D., Cham –
Karin W., Schmalfeld (D) –
As I have a fear of flying and always feel very empty, tired and exhausted after flights, a friend gave me one of her BodyCards for the flight (sounds like Bodyguard :-)). At first I didn’t really believe it, but your BodyCard convinced me!
Karin W., Schmalfeld (D) –
Franz M., Bergen (D) –
I feel much better since I started using the BodyCard, I’ve become more relaxed.
Franz M., Bergen (D) –
Esther G., Henggart (CH) –
I would like to share my experience with the Bodycard with you, as I think it is a very useful product.
Since moving my workplace to another building about a year ago, I have felt completely exhausted towards the end of each day. However, as I am now healthy, physically and mentally fit and cope well with stress at work, I couldn’t explain the fatigue. I was usually so exhausted by the evening that I was glad when the day came to an end. After I couldn’t find a reason, my suspicion fell on electrosmog or WLAN, because my workplace is equipped with WLAN everywhere and all my colleagues and I have PCs and iPhones.
When I heard about your Bodycard against electrosmog, it was clear to me that I would try it out. The fatigue subsided surprisingly quickly. Now I only feel “appropriately” tired in the evening. I’ve been wearing them directly on my skin every day at work for two weeks now and wouldn’t give them up.
Esther G., Henggart (CH) –
Stephen Q., Antioch, CA (USA) –
Greetings from California. I got back from Frankfurt on Tuesday evening. My flight was delayed by four hours, so I had a long day.
However, from wearing the BioRing and using the BodyCard, I had very little jet lag the next day, and just a little bit of tiredness yesterday. So it looks like the Swiss Harmony products are helping my body to adapt to the stress from traveling so much.
Greetings from California. I came back from Frankfurt on Tuesday evening. My departure was delayed by four hours. It was a long day for me.
Nevertheless, by wearing the BioRing and the BodyCard I had very little jet lag the next day and yesterday I only felt a little bit tired. So it looks like the Swiss Harmony products are helping my body to adapt to the stress of my frequent traveling.
Stephen Q., Antioch, CA (USA) –
U.-Rike G., Hamburg –
There she was again! This restlessness in bed when I wanted to sleep.
I was lying in a hotel room. Modern as hotels are, WLAN is everywhere in an otherwise very natural environment.
Then I remembered that I wanted to try out the Swiss Harmony ring I had brought with me.
After I had put it on, peace slowly set in and I was able to sleep.
The silver ring is also very comfortable to wear and looks good, I think.
Thank you for that!
Before that, I had tried the Bodycard on medium-haul flights and long train journeys.
I once had the card in a shoulder bag on my person during a train journey. At some point the bag bothered me because I wanted to make myself more comfortable (I had completely forgotten the contents). It was therefore slightly away from the body. I wanted to relax and I slowly realized that the tension in my body was getting stronger instead. Headaches were also on the horizon.
Then, thank God, I remembered that I had put the bag away, put it on and within minutes it was very noticeable how my condition improved.
I will continue to use both BioRing and BodyCard. The ring is better suited for night-time use.
Thank you again for these convincing means of harmonization.
U.-Rike G., Hamburg –
Sylvia M., Flawil (CH) –
Since I’ve had the BodyCard, I travel much more relaxed!
I have to say that I don’t own a car.
So I use public transportation such as buses, trains, etc. I often got dizzy on the train and I never knew exactly why. I was also usually very tired by the time I reached my destination.
Even after short distances.
If you get on a train early in the morning (6 – 8 a.m.), you will see passengers working with cell phones and tablets. With very few exceptions
I always felt that. I sometimes had the feeling that I couldn’t breathe properly, like when you wear a tight collar.
I have been dealing with the effects of electrosmog for a while and as I am very “sensitive”, I can perceive every change in my body. I am therefore pleased to say that the BodyCard is having a full effect. I’m fitter when I’m out and about and I no longer feel dizzy on the train or nauseous.
That’s very pleasing for me, because it represents a great deal of quality of life.
Many thanks to Swissharmony for this great product!
Sylvia M., Flawil (CH) –
Stephen Q, Antioch CA (USA) –
I have been using the BodyCard and BioRing daily, and feeling an immediate benefit whenever I have them on my body or in my pants pocket.
I tried a Harmony Chip from a different company last year, but felt zero benefit from it after weeks and months of testing. That being said, I still do not doubt the testimonials of people who did report benefits. I think we all have unique energy signatures, and are not as responsive to various technologies.
I use the BodyCard and the BioRing every day and immediately feel a direct improvement as soon as I wear them on my body or in my trouser pocket.
I tried a Harmony chip from another company last year, but even after weeks and months of testing with zero success. On the other hand, I do not doubt the success stories of other customers. I believe that we all have very individual energy patterns and therefore do not react in the same way to different technologies.
Stephen Q, Antioch CA (USA) –
Silvia B., Basel –
With her bodycard as an add-on, I even survived 3 hours at the computer without symptoms : )
I’ve already traveled by train with the Bodycard in my pocket and got off at the other end in high spirits, Judihui.
Silvia B., Basel –
Roswitha K., Grisons –
I am still deliberately testing with the BodyCard.
So far I have found that the BodyCard is particularly useful at night because there is a disturbance in the bedroom at leg height. This means fewer cramps and better sleep.
Up to now, I have been very slow uphill on physically demanding hikes or I have had to leave the route after the maximum distance due to a lack of strength. 30 minutes or had to turn back. The calf muscles were tense to the point of burning pain.
Today I chose another steep tour. 600 meters up and 600 m down in two hours. I put the BodyCard alternately in the right and left sock. Wherever the body card was, the calves tensed up less and the muscles remained strong. As soon as the BodyCard was gone, the familiar symptoms of “calf burning” returned.
Roswitha K., Grisons –
Olaf B., Häusern –
As I immersed myself in my daily meditation as usual, I still had the body card in my trouser pocket. My concentration was better than ever before. My meditation brought me more peace and with the Body Card my head was much clearer than usual. This clearly shows that any mental activity, including my meditation, is negatively affected by the e-smog that is present everywhere, which you usually only really notice when you are in a completely de-smogged state.
Olaf B., Häusern –
Nina R., Braunschweig –
The BodyCard is really worth the money!
I feel much more balanced since then, especially when working with all the IT stuff in the office.
Nina R., Braunschweig –
Daniela M., Zurich –
I purchased the BodyCard from you at Biomedica in Zurich.
Shortly afterwards, I had doubts about “how and whether it would work…”
But then peace spread through me and I have to say, you can already see a change.
The headache has become much less. Phone calls are also much better. It still comes through a little and my ear gets warm, but I can stand it much better.
I think it’s a very good product!
They explained it to me very well and clearly at the stand. This is how you should describe it in your brochure.
Daniela M., Zurich –
Birgit W., Emmenbrücke (CH) –
I can say about the BodyCard that my daughter, who has it under her pillow, has been sleeping very soundly ever since. Before that, she often needed valerian drops to fall asleep. Never again since.
Birgit W., Emmenbrücke (CH) –
Birgit R., Cham (CH) –
We recently started testing the Bodycard as a family of 3. We live in the middle of Chur, within sight of a mobile antenna, and have had sleeping problems etc. for several months. In general, our vital energy was reduced.
Since we have been carrying the BodyCards with us, we feel better, usually sleep through the night and are “fresher”. For us, the effect is clear.
Birgit R., Cham (CH) –