To show that official authorities have been aware of the potential dangers of mobile telephony and electrosmog per se for some time, we have compiled a summary from a French website. The full article appeared on in August 2014.
We have already published several articles on the subject of "Dangerous mobile communications". Here we would like to recommend an informative article from the world of mobile communications opponents; we personally know and appreciate the scientist mentioned therein, Dr. George Carlo.
When a girl's smoking handbag filled the cabin with smoke, the passengers were sent off the plane shortly after boarding. It was discovered that the fire originated from an iPhone 5.
The Berner Zeitung of June 19, 2014 reports on the exploding costs of cancer treatment, citing the following figures:
Dozens of calves have fallen ill with cataracts in recent years. Many lived near cell phone antennas. This is confirmed by studies conducted by the University of Zurich. Some animals went blind, could no longer find their mother's udder and died.
Atlanta, August 13, 2014
A new study by Trent University Ontario (Canada) shows a clear link between exposure to radio radiation and an increase in heart rate, cardiac arrhythmia and HRV (heart rate variability) disorders.
Have you had your apartment or house decontaminated by a specialized company or a building biologist? Have you had your phone or other devices interference suppressed with appropriate products? What experiences have you had?
Thank you very much for the house harmonization yesterday.
Thank you for the apartment harmonization! Everything is fine now, I can sleep well again. The last two days I couldn't do without an alarm clock, otherwise I would have overslept. The complaints such as high blood pressure, aching joints, inner trembling and listlessness are gone. All in all, I have more "steam on the boiler" again